'pool vs Palace

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just an interested (Part-time) spectator tonight. Maybe I missed something, but what did Clinton Morrison do to deserve (?) such treatment from the crowd? Fair enough, if you've played for the opos (ie. Everton in this case) or done some dastardly deed such as score against, then perhaps I could understand. But having paid tribute to (yet) another cheeky little Chilean tonight, I guess I might have missed something.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001


Well, maybe 2 goals in the first game? But damned unsporting.

Full marks to CP support. Reminded me very much of Toon at Spurs. Totally out-sung the Mersey Beats. Well done CP. Shame the side let you down.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

I think he made some uncomplimentary remarks about them in the Press after the first leg. Definitely a cup & saucer short of a tea set this guy!

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

Apparently, he slagged off Michael Owen and offered him some 'advice' on goalscoring technique....

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

oh how I wish it was the mackems on the recieving end of that drubbing

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

Yeah - I sort of gathered that from the post-match interviews. However, nipping in and oot between talking to customers and support in US meant I wasn't focussed 100% on the game.

Agree with the analogy Clarky - but at least he's a "character". Not keeping his gob shut didn't do Cloughie any harm ;-)

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

Heard in the pub tonight that he hadn't said what the tabloids had sensationalised. Apparently what he had said after the first game when asked whether he would have scored from any of Liverpool's chances was that in good form he would have put one away. Cue the tabloids...I'd have put away all your chances. The truth...your guess is as good as mine.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001

OK.....the real thing:

In a Radio 5 interview the day after the 1st leg, the interviewer was talking about the many misses of Michael Owen et al and he tagged off by asking CM "Do you reckon you would have scored any of them" to which he quite obviously replied "yes, I reckon I would have scored at least two of the chances he had"

This was then 'edited' and appeared on the back pages of such revered papers as the Sun, Mirror and Star as - "I'm better than Michael Owen, I would have scored all of those chances"

Smacks of a Supermac c1974 scenaro does it not!

Lest face it, it doesn't take much to wind up the Scousers.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

Yeah, ITK. Winding-up Scousers is easily done.

Anyone else noticed that their famous wit an repartee is OK when they are giving the stick but that they quickly become upset when it is incoming?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

The best way to wind up ANY scouser is to tell them that your favourite newspaper is The Sun and that you rate Graeme Souness as one of the greatest managers of all time.

Two statment guaranteed to make you a friend for life......not!

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

try explaining that Dalglish was a hopeless mananger that time passed by, who couldn't judge a player and systematically destroyed a team that was challenging for the Premier League and European Cups. All within the space of a year and a half. and that thre reason he was successful at Liverpool was because he inherited the team and the reason they were crap under Souness was also Dalglish's fault. Watch their eyes grow fiery and their face turn a shade of blood red....

Ken - did i ever tell you, i met someone who used to work in the BBC Press Office who remembers you!?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

Who was it Min.......? and whatever they said about me was patent rubbish, unless it was good in which case it was true

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

Elaine Lynch - blond hair, left about April/May last year....?

I'm saying nowt...;-))

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

Oh aye - howay Ken, spill the beans. Is this "Elaine" a looker then?
Strictly on the quiet, like - nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2001

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