Rewording Thread Titles? (Forum Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Something I brought up in another thread is how the number of new daily threads are increasing. I used the example if each day an average of 20 ones ones are entered, it would add up to 7,300 each day. Threads can be hard to find in the archives now, much less when the number of them triples or more.My policy is, and will remain, I do not edit anything in content or follow-up posts. On thread titles, they became a candidate only if I could not tell from it was the content was, and even here I tended to be conservative if it kind of made sense when put into a specific category.
I admit to being gun shy of working on the archives after the recent incident.
What are your thoughts about my modifying thread titles while still in the active group? One suggest was to leave it as written, but follow it with something in parenthisis, such as originally Sick Calf to Sick Calf (How to Relieve Bloat). This would make it easier for me than after the thread goes into the archives and it would be used with great discretion.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, January 23, 2001
Ken i have no problem with parenthesis after the post. Like your example shows. Your job is not an easy one and i am all for clarity. Thanks Shau Marie
-- Shau Marie (, January 23, 2001.
The ()'s sound like a good idea. As for my threads, if you find any that are duplicates of mine or someone else's you can delete mine. I know I've put the same some of the recipes on 3-4 times. Oh, are you going to put jelly under food preservation? Keep up the good work.
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (, January 23, 2001.
I like the paraphrase idea in paretheses after the title. It wouldhelp the reader know what the thread is about without changing the title.
-- Denise (, January 23, 2001.
Seems helpful to me. That way you aren't really changing the title, just adding some more clarification to the original one. Hopefully that will make everyone happy....
-- sheepish (, January 23, 2001.
Sounds like a good idea.
-- Patty {NY State} (, January 23, 2001.
im with Patty. Bob inse.ks.
-- Bobco (, January 23, 2001.
Ken I would just like say thank you first for all your effort and time that you have put into this forum.I would love if you would make it easier to find info.,it sure would be nice to find what you are looking for.
-- renee oneill{md.} (, January 23, 2001.
Adding to the title to explain the contents sounds like a good idea to me, Ken. I don't envy you your job, so many posts include several subjects, I know I've thought a number of times that a thread doesn't interest me only to take a look and find some really good information not related to the original title. Anything that will make those archives more "workable" is great with me. Also, if you come across the posts I put on that are expired so to speak, i.e. questions about road conditions when my daughter was coming home, please delete them. (I think I put that on the title line)
-- Betsy K (, January 23, 2001.
Just for the fun of it I would like to go off on a real tangent :>) but I think you are doing such a great job of trying to sort out this mess that I have to just support you with a big cyber hug (((O))) and say it sounds like a good idea to me.
-- diane (, January 23, 2001.
All the sugestions are fine with me, whatever makes it easier. I have no problem with deleting old time-related threads either. We appreciate your efforts and time you're putting in, Thanks Ken.
-- Cindy in Ky (, January 23, 2001.
I'm all for it, too. As for deleting "expired threads" there must be a good way to do it. I've recently gotten two answers from new folks on a sheep question I asked a year ago--problem has long been solved, and maybe that was my fault, I may have not put anything on the thread to indicate that. Perhaps we all need to do that, to save problems later on? Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (, January 23, 2001.
I've noticed a bunch of old threads "revived" too. I don't think they should be deleted though. Many of them have good information in them.
-- Joy Froelich (, January 23, 2001.
Ken can you add a thread title like "Homesteading Defense" (Guns, Knives and other implements)I tried to find the "defense" thread but couldn't locate it.
Hmmm where will the "You might be a homesteader" thread gonna land. Thats some good reading. :o)
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, January 24, 2001.
Hi Ken, I'd just like to add my voice to those above who greatly appreciate your work on the forum. I think the parentheses are a good idea, as well.
-- Laura Jensen (, January 25, 2001.
Sounds like a plan. Gotta question for ya though. How do the questions line up? I mean, when new ones come through do they go to the top or what? I haven't been able to figure out the queue yet! And how/when do they go to the Archives? Is there a specific time factor or something? Thanks again for trying to sort through all of this. Some of the old threads are kind of hard to sort through unless you know what is in them already.
-- Gailann Schrader (, January 25, 2001.
Gailanne, on the top of this thread, click on 'Countryside'. Then go to the bottom of the questions, and the ones at the bottom are newest. (just on top of the archives) If you click REFRESH there, any new ones will pop up. As far as I know, a question goes into the archives as soon as it is put up on the forum.Hey Ken, what catagory is "Where are you located" in. I remember hearing you say it once, but can't find it now.
-- Cindy in Ky (, January 26, 2001.