Anyone know where to find cheap land in N. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where i could find some cheap land in northern california, around $300 per acre. I understand that this is an unrealistic price; bgut i am sure there are still some good deals out there.
-- (, January 23, 2001
West Texas has that cheap land (cheaper! $100-300 per acre) you're looking's not as humid as East Texas but has magnifcent views. You have to have approx 20-30 acres per cow bec it's not as grassy as it is in East Texas. East Texas has cheap land too but alot more water and humidity. Alot of people can't stand the humidity but I grew up around there and am used to it.Ted
-- Ted Hart (, January 23, 2001.
You might try Modoc County in upper right hand section of the state. Prices seamed very reasonable last time I passed through there. Just another thought if you like isolation look at Hayfork south of Weaverville. That place is really neat and everyone seemed to be leaving about 10 years ago. Logging dried up. Truth is you have an impossible task at 300 an acre but please post any results so others will know what to expect....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, January 23, 2001.
Only place I have heard of with prices in that range are around Tennessee or the Carolias. Of course if tech stocks keep tanking, Silicon Valley may be going cheap soon. LOL!
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 23, 2001.
Yeah RIGHT!!!! LOL!!!WE are Ex-N. CAlifornians (as of 6 months ago) and I don't mean to make light but I sincerly doubt it considering they are now buying in Medford, OR because it is cheaper and commuting to the Silcon Valley by plane.
GOOD LUCK!!! If you find some, keep it a secret cause it won't be cheap for long!
-- Storybook Farm (, January 24, 2001.
I haven't seen any property going for as cheap as $300 per acre except in Nevada. We traveled there a couple of years back to look at some land we saw advertised. Talk about way out there ! We drove and drove and drove ! Very sandy, rocky and dry. We live in Mariposa County, about 70 miles from Yosemite Nat'l Park. Our land here was tolerable in price for California. You can still find 5 acres, with a well, and a liveable, older, mobile for around $50,000. But you have to watch. Lots of owner will carry loans because property doesn't move very fast. It's lovely country.
-- cindy palmer (, January 25, 2001.
You can purchase land here in SE Ohio for 300.00 an acre, IF the timber has just been taken off ( lots of mature hardwoods and wild cherry here, wild cherry is worth more than black walnut as of late),and you are buying at least a hundred acres and up. Might be so steep you have to be half mountain goat to walk it, but it will be 250 to 300 an acre, with the mineral rights.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 28, 2001.
I may be able to help you. I just sold all my California land, but have other parcels in the west: AZ, TX, etc. I also have resort lots in the Ozark mts of Arkansas. E-mail me if interested.
-- Stephen Fox (, June 09, 2001.