Germination database for herbs,flowers,trees,shrubs,whatever : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Since you'll be starting seeds soon,here is website to find a guide for germinating just about any seed.You do have to know the Latin genus,however,but many seed pkgs. and catalogue descriptions list the scientific names. Germination Database

I printed it off and keep it with my propagation yearly propagation list so I can readily check what i have to do for each species. If you start alot of different things,and I do,you need all the help you can get to keep on track.I curently have close to 200 diferent "things that I start each year.Grand Fun!

The onions are already up and we're off and running.Let the gardening begin!

-- sharon wt (, January 22, 2001


Great site.Thanks for pointing me in that direction. I am going full speed in the greenhouse getting things ready for the garden.Goats are due to kid soon.Bees will need supers in less than a month.Hardly have time to check in on the forum each day.

-- JT in Florida (, January 22, 2001.

Thanks I am sure this will help many of us out. Indiana Country Friend Jack Bunyard

-- Jack Bunyard (, January 22, 2001.

I was just about to ask that question! I printed the whole thing off! Gonna put it in a notebook and use it lots! Thanks!

-- Nan (, January 22, 2001.

Sharon, you've done it again! What an incredible resource!

-- Sam in W.Va. (, January 23, 2001.

Gee,JT.Make me feel bad.Now my onions look kinda pitiful.I'm so depressed.You Floridians are troublesome lately!Oh that's right, you get all that heat & bugs coming round pretty soon. Now,I feel better!


-- sharon wt (, January 23, 2001.

Please Sharon don't remind us that the bugs and skeeters are coming!! LOL We have really enjoyed this cool to cold weather!!! I've got mustards,snow peas, potatoes and radishes up and going and even have a tomato plant that's acually doing well. I've really had to baby that thing but it will hopefully have some tomatoes before anyone else!!!LOL

-- Sandy(FL.) (, January 23, 2001.

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh...just waiting for the time to start some seeds here in Zone 5.

-- Joanne Schaefer (, January 29, 2001.

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