Growing and using garlic? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was reading the latest C-side and decided I would like to try growing some garlic this spring. Is it as easy as the lady said in the article? Do you have any longkeepers that have worked well for you? How did you store them and how long did they last? Can you mince it and can it like what you buy at the store for convenience or do you find it just as convenient to use it in bulb form. Thanks!
-- Denise (, January 22, 2001
I dig it in the fall and braid the green parts. I have had some in my pantry all winter and it smells great in there. It is easier to me to dry it and use it as you go. Once you have canned it, unless you were to use eeny jars, you have to open it and keep it in the fridge until it is used up. It can go bad faster in the fridge that way. Although I have some store bought stuff from my mom ( the designated shopper for sales in the family and the bringer of canned goods when she visits! She thinks my kids are deprived if they don't get cocoa puffs! I never buy that stuff!) Anyway, the stuff from mom has lasted a while. I kinda think it is pretty braided too! The regular garlic is stronger than the elephant garlic. I have had both and prefer the regular. It is all up to your own preference! Very easy to grow and spreads like crazy if you don't get it all pulled up! Over winters in zone 6 but I haven't a clue anywhere else!
-- Nan (, January 22, 2001.
preferred method here in central WI is to plant in the early fall, mulch heavily and let it overwinter to harvest mid to late summer. Storage in cool, dark place, braids are good. Weed control is a must for good production of large heads. Continued deep mulch of rotting straw works wonders. Don't forget that the greens are edible. Nice garlic taste from clipped greens early in the spring are one sign that winter's leaving.
-- ray s. (, January 22, 2001.
I agree with what Ray said, but I would also add not to step on the garlic while chasing the chickens away, especially when it's muddy. :~}
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (, January 22, 2001.
Nan: I have had no luck with garlic. We are zone 7 here. I can grow the ornamental variety called society garlic, why can't I grow the edible stuff? I tried it from cloves pulled off the bulbs from the store. It would grow skinny little tops and never any bulb to speak of. Then die after a couple of months. Is it perhaps a cool weather crop? I tried in summer. Our temps get upwards to 100 and sometimes above.
-- cindy palmer (, January 24, 2001.
Cindy, I am in Texas and we plant garlic in the fall or late winter. it dies in the heat. I would suggest planting in September and muching heavily over the winter and then it should be ready for you to harvest by April at the latest. Good luck!
-- Doreen (, January 24, 2001.
How much garlic do you plant to have a pretty good supply for the year? How long does a longkeeper keep? Just wondering how much to buy when I'm ready.
-- Denise (, January 24, 2001.
You can plant garlic in the early spring also, right? I've wanted to plant some, but always forget until about mid-July! WE are in PA, so, I'm thinking maybe April?Tracey
-- Tracey (, January 24, 2001.
Planted some that a friend gave me so don't know exactly the kind. I know that it is not the elephant garlic because I planted that from the same friend. My chickens loved the elephant garlic. I got a little of it but they loved the green tops. I planted about 5 total bulbs worth. It gave me way more than I needed. We love garlic too. If you figure about 10 to 15 plants from each original bulb and then those will multiply again. Our summers got to 107 last year. If you keep them watered you shouldn't have any trouble. Mine died back at the end of summer, but I pick mine after they die down. Probably around Sept. or so. Don't really remember, only that I pick them when the greens die down. They stay good for a long time! The only additional garlic that I have used this year was the cheapy powder for .50 from DG store. It is just so handy to have on some stuff. I'm kinda known for my over doing it, so maybe you wouldn't use that much?!
-- Nan (, January 24, 2001.
Oops! I also used a quart of the chopped stuff that Mom gave me. I used it almost all up in my 69 quarts of Bad Breath Delight pickles! Sorry, you might need more after all. I don't know?
-- Nan (, January 24, 2001.