PAL v : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
What are the negative drawbacks of shooting on PAL vs NTSC...I am thinking of buying a PAL version because I understand it is ideal for transfering to film.
But I am unaware if I will encounter problems if I end up keeping my footage as video only.
Does the PAL format not work in The United States?
-- Douglass Wilds (, January 21, 2001
It will as long as you don't intend on showing your footage DIRECTLY from your camera. As long as you edit in a computer and export to DvD or VCD you'll be fine. Video Editing programs such as Adobe Premiere will let you do WHATEVER you want with your footage, just as long as its burned in the right regional format (NTSC,PAL).
-- Jeff (, October 21, 2002.