Week of 1/21-1/27 Thoughts(Over-the-Fence/Chatting)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
What's on your mind?
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 21, 2001
That we got way more snow then they said we would and now its really windy out .I need to go feed and I really do not want to.
-- renee oneill{md.} (oneillsr@home.com), January 21, 2001.
Just thinking this Sunday morning what a wonderful world it could be if the World and Political Leaders would act as the people do on this Fourm. A spirit of co-operation and peace throughout the world. A world of carring and sharing.
-- Gary [N.S.] (ggiles@north.nsis.com), January 21, 2001.
Hi Cindy, and good morning to ya! Got me a cup of coffee and built me a fire in the firplace this morning just to sit and watch. It's been a rough month or so around here. Father in law was in the hospital before Christmas and just last week Mother in law had a heart attack. To top all that off, hubby lost his job at the first of January. BUT...Both are back home now and doing great, the wonders of modern medicine! So thankful for the great doctors and nurses out there. The in-laws are in their 80's, but we're not ready to let them go yet. Didn't spend hardly a thing on Christmas this year, so, had all bills paid up when hubby lost his job. Glad I'm stingy with our money! It looks like he has an opportunity for an even better job now, still waiting to hear. God closes one door and opens another, huh? Am sitting here thinking how grateful I am for my family, our health, and how lucky we really are. And to keep on smilin....the sun will always come up in the mornin.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), January 21, 2001.
Anne, sounds like your attitude is right. Hope things go better for you. Enjoy that fire. God BLess you.
It's another beautiful morning here in Se Indiana. About 4in. of snow on the ground. the sun's shining the sky is blue, and the hoarfrost is covering everything, the birds are sitting on the fence, looks like a winter wonderland. Thank you Jesus.
My husband was called out to fix a furnace, then he'll go and check out a church, to see how the perfume and other odors are. I can't go to church very often. Then we're going to kick back, he'll channel surf and maybe tinker with the broken down sewing machine and I'll look at seed catalogs and then we'll make 2 kinds of lasagna together. Sounds like a wonderful day to me.
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 21, 2001.
Well, I'm thinking that since it's 15 degrees outside that it would be nice to stay in the house in my robe and flannel jammies instead of trudging to the barn to do chores. I lug a pail of hot water to the barn morning and night so the horses, chickens, and goat can have nice warm water in their bellies. I'm wondering, how do animals know that I'm a minute late with their breakfast and supper without a watch?I've been up since 4 am doing laundry--but it's all caught up. Here in Upstate NY we have a split electricity program. The rate is less at night then during the day. The night rate is a third of the day rate and runs from 11:30pm to 7am. So, I do all the laundry, run the dishwasher, heat the water, etc... during that time. It's also a very peaceful time to play on the 'puter and plan the coming day.
I'll think I'll sew a pair of flannel jammies for my youngest daughter today. I have to clean the barn too-- it's disgusting. The stalls are done daily, of course, but the grain room and the rest of the barn is a pigsty.
All in all, it looks to be a good (productive) day.
Stacy Rohan--in Windsor, NY where it's cold and snowy.
-- Stacy Rohan (KincoraFarm@aol.com), January 21, 2001.
Good mornin one and all! Am enjoying the sunshine! I don't do grey very well. It's too cold for me to venture out but sure looks pretty. We moved back here from El Paso where it's ALWAYS sunny and before that I moved back here from Clearwater,FLA. are we nuts or what??? In Jan. and Feb. I'm sure we are but about Sept. when it is so beautiful in S. Indiana I'm over the "what if's". Dh is feeling poorly, hurt his back again. Youngest son acts like he has mild case of mono again. Daughter home from college for weekend. Oldest son stayed at college to work. Had sister and family here for weekend-6 kids! Was a lovely but not long enough visit. Wish we could share some land and have them close all the time. Hubbies work 200 miles apart so that's not in the cards right yet. When we get rich and famous maybe. Have a lovely sabbath.Queenie
-- queen (queenbuffness@hotmail.com), January 21, 2001.
The lamb died yesterday, peacefully. It was a thoughtful last act on his part...saving us the trouble of having to put him down....We are going to visit old friends of ours today (taking the ferry across the sound.) They are having a combination birthday/housewarming/inaugural wake!
Raining but warmish.
Good day to you all.
-- sheepish (WA) (rborgo@gte.net), January 21, 2001.
Home with the baby this morning, she's sick. I guess I should quit trying to get her to take cows milk, she just gets diarrea and grumpy. Now she doesn't want to take anything, and refused all but a few bottles of her old formula yesterday. No food, no crackers, no cheerios. I guesss I'm worried about her. She's also running a low fever. I'm kind of wondering if it was the milk, or if she has a bug. She has an appointment at Childrens Mercy with a pediatric cardiologist Wed to find out if the heart mumor is serious.I guess the point is I'm so worried about Ruth that I've started chewing my nails to save me from walking my heels off. Say one for us, folks.
Marty and Ruth
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), January 21, 2001.
Don't know where you are Cindy but our part of S.IN has maybe 1 inch of snow. We are trying to decide if we need to order more fruit trees, enlarge our pig business to include breeding,getting ready to get our cows back from being bread and maybe buy more hay. This is the kind of question I like.
-- Tom (Calfarm@msn.com), January 21, 2001.
A prayer just went up with your name on it!!! God Bless and hug the baby for me.
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 22, 2001.
P.S. to Marty and Ruth, keep us posted on the baby!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 22, 2001.
It's 4:19am here, I'm waiting for my bundles of newspapers to arrive so I can deliver. I start a third route this morning! If all goes well, (it should), this will be another big step in the right direction, financially. I went to church yesterday for the first time in many years, by my lonesome. Just felt the urge and went with it. It was lovely. Cindy, I love this idea!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 22, 2001.
5:00 am. Got DH off to work in Louisville. We got 4 INCHES of snow Saturday. Oh Boy (sarcasticly). But it's melted off the roads allready and it's supposed to warm up again.Mother-in-law is still messing me up in the head, even though we haven't seen them since before Christmas. Now she's into calling my friends and slamming me (didn't work), and of course the "prayer request" thing at church outloud. We don't go there anymore but have good friends that still do, so they let me know. I did call the pastor's wife to let her know the truth and to tell her that all these years of hurtfull gossip is what has hurt that church. No one stops it. I told her before we left, but to no avail. MIL dosen't like me cuz I'm like the only one who will stand up to her when she's being ugly or gossiping. And of couse I kidnapped her son.
But, things are good here, animals are fine, waiting for baby goats and my wonderful goats milk. I'm still ripping my house apart and cleaning every nook and cranny. And painting my floors again. It's fun to clean like this. Feels so much better when you're stuck in the house for so long. Got that woodstove out of here, using the outside one now, boy is it cleaner! My house feels soooo big. Is spring here yet? Sending some up for little Ruth too.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), January 22, 2001.
Went to church yesterday also. We have a new young preacher who is so good. We go home very enthused. Sewed a little on my granddaughters quilt. Quiet day but nice. Working at housing authority this morning. Just answer phone. sure glad they got a computer!
-- Barbara Fischer (bfischer42@hotmail.com), January 22, 2001.
Marty, how's Ruth feeling? Tom, we're in Ripley co. Snow's melting:~ { too fast. Gotta bring in a bunch of wood today. I got my freezers cleaned out yesterday, what I wanna know is, how'd I get so much in there. I tseems when you organize a freezer there's less room.
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 23, 2001.
You're supposed to organize those things? HaHeeHa! Last time we butchered I had to organize mine and I forgot what all I had put in the bottom! Can't believe some of the stuff I found!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 23, 2001.
I would like to hear how baby Ruth is doing. My daughter had a murmur and hers turned out to be nothing of importance, I hope it's the same for Ruth. Sometimes the little bodies grow faster than the hearts, at least that's how the Dr. explained it. Hope all is well.
-- cindy palmer (jandcpalmer@sierratel.com), January 23, 2001.
Has anyone heard from Ruth about the baby? It's been a couple of days now. Still praying for you and your family!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 24, 2001.
Duh! Her appt. was today sometime! Let's keep praying all!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 24, 2001.
How old is the baby? Please update us after her visit. Blessings.
-- Tina (clia88@newmexico.com), January 24, 2001.
For more info. on the baby look at the web under what we are thankful for. The baby is OK but they say it much better than I do.
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 25, 2001.
Thanks for the prayers for Ruth, they must have worked. She woke up Wed morning hungary and in a good mood for the first time in days. The Dr. apt went well. They did lots of tests because the murmur sounds funny, but all ended up being innocent. I'm so glad Ruth is o.k. While at Childrens Mercy I saw lots of other really sick little ones, and now that I'm done praying for Ruth's health for awhile, I have lots of new little ones I don't even know who will make it into my prayers every single day now. All those poor babies. I don't think I'll forget all that I have seen for as long as I live. The cardiac clinic area was next door to oncology (cancer) wich was next to the burn unit.
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), January 26, 2001.
I know just what you mean! I substituted for a trainable mentally handicapped class for 9 weeks once. I try to remember that when the kids ask me a million whys? during the day! The children that were in the class were so dear, but most weren't able to ask why?...I am so blessed! Thankyou Ruth for reminding me again of how blessed I am! God Bless you !
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 26, 2001.
The woman's group in our Druidic Grove has a charity project where we knit and crochet baby blankets for premature babies at our local children's hospital. We also make tiny little gowns so that the stillborn babies have something nice to be buried in. The orgainzation "Afghans for Angels" helped get us started, I know that they have a website but I don't have the URL handy. It's a nice way to use up all those spare balls of yarn we had stashed away.I'm glad that your baby's checkup went well. Sherri in IN
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), January 26, 2001.
Here's a list of 41 charities that accept hand-made items, usually baby blankets for premie babies and those that have died. Afgans for Angels is among them. A quote from one charity's description: "Afghans are also needed for the babies who lose their fight for their life. Blankets are wrapped around them for the brief time they are held by their family and the family can keep the blanket as remembrance of their baby." I just found that link and now what's on my mind is how thankful I am that I have never been the recipient of such a blanket...
-- Wingnut (wingnut@moment.net), January 26, 2001.
Couldn't have said it better, Amen Wingnut!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 26, 2001.
How are you feeling Sharon? Any better. I miss all your funny's here, get better soon. Thinkin of you.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), January 27, 2001.