Pet peeves : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Other than a flame about *this* high, what burns your ass? What frosts your balls, what bugs your butt? What is your pet peeve? (maybe it's pets). C'mon, unload!

-- Lars (, January 19, 2001


As of this very moment, the thing that corks me off the most is the slowness of this forum.

-- Lars (, January 19, 2001.

People who say "24/7" Ugh, I can *stand* that phrase!


-- Not now, not like this (, January 19, 2001.

People who say Ugh instead of Ack!

-- Uncle Deedah (, January 19, 2001.

Tailgaters. I was driving the Permeter in Atlanta the other day, doing 80 in the second rightmost lane. Some idiot came up behind me, honking, brighting me, right on my ass. So real slow like, I turned on my lights (this is during the daylight hours) so it looked like I was stepping on the breaks. I could see smoke rising from his tires as he frantically tried to avoid hitting me. What a jerk!

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, January 19, 2001.

I'm sure there are more.....

-- (, January 19, 2001.


-- Cave Man (, January 19, 2001.

Co-workers whose disorganization follows them around the office. You know the ones who come into your office for a minute and leave a trail as if a tornado has just hit? THEM!

Health clubs that simply must blast music into the workout areas. How many FREAKIN' years have walkman-style devices been available AND affordable?

Golf courses which REQUIRE golfers to use gas/electric carts.

Sharing a meal with people who must discuss the latest medical procedures performed on Aunt Bertha, Cousin Esther, and all their neighbors in Sunny Acres Retirement Village WHILE we eat.

So many peeves, so little time...

-- Rich (, January 19, 2001.

“doing 80 in the second rightmost lane”

Ape-Man, you sure that ‘tailgater’ wasn’t the Highway Patrol?:>)

-- Barry (, January 19, 2001.

Close talkers.

Anyone who touches my computer monitor risks losing a finger or having a rib broken.

DO NOT poke a finger into my chest. Do so and you'll be eatin' carpet quick as a blink.

Can ya tell it's Friday afternoon?

-- Rich (, January 19, 2001.

Sharing a meal with someone who, when they taste their food and decide it tastes like shit, absolutely, positively INSIST that YOU taste it as well.

-- (, January 19, 2001.

Arriving back at the office from lunch to find some co-working bozo (READ: Manager) has been f*cking with my computer. I'd password protect it except I need yet ANOTHER password I can't remember like I need a blow hole.

-- Rich (, January 19, 2001.

Ever been to Atlanta? You have to do 80 on the freeways just to avoid getting flipped off by the elderly. On our roads, we have all the brains of Alabama with all the testosterone of New York. The cops don't even bother to patrol the perimeter, they just clean up the wrecks. While I was being tailgated by Mr. Mensa, I got passed by two GSP cars.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, January 19, 2001.

- People who STOP to make a right hand turn.

- People who don't use turn signals.

- People who don't say "thank you" when you've held the door open for them.

- People who do things half-assed and think it's acceptable.

- Fakes.

-- Play (, January 19, 2001.

Having to surf on a pc instead of my Mac,but at least I *can* connect.

-- capnfun (, January 19, 2001.

people who say "keeewwweeelll!!!" ...ugh ack spitooey (funny it doesn't bother me when I say it though, heh)

pushy people who are in a hurry and want it or need to get there now! excuse me, try getting up earlier if you really need to catch that flight.

people who talk on cellphones when driving, while paying in the checkout lane of the supermarket, when ordering their meal

people who conduct their business in other peoples business's. for instance, people who set up shop in your restaurant and give interviews *all* day at your best table, yes it happens believe it or not. tacky tacky tacky

people who never capitalize

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 19, 2001.

People with no sense of humility. Being able to say "I'm wrong" or "I'm sorry" at times is a strength, but these people take it as a weakness and become proud of themselves for being, basically, clueless assholes.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@your.people), January 19, 2001.

(An aside - on one of the threads about the CA energy situation, someone asked where cpr is. I'm going to try smoking him out. Ready? "WINDOWS 2000 is imperfect.")

I'm sorry I can't think of more.

-- David L (, January 19, 2001.

Microsoft in general is another major pet peeve, good one. Go Linux!

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 19, 2001.

When I have plenty of tricks to make the contract, but I absentmindedly block the suit that would provide transportation to my winners. It's so irritating, that I've become rather vigilant about not letting it happen.

Rich, perhaps you could use a password generation algorithm. One idea is to take the word best describing what the password is for, and map its letters and/or numbers to adjacent keys. Example, the word "protect" maps to "[tpyrvy" if you shift each character one position to the right on a standard keyboard. Easy to remember, but difficult for someone to guess.

Tarzan, I don't drive in Atlanta frequently, and never during peak traffic. But even from that limited exposure, I can readily extrapolate to the conditions you so vividly describe.

-- David L (, January 19, 2001.

People who moan poverty when the co-pay on their $100 dollar prescription goes up from $5 to $7 dollars.

for David: When I miss a dummy reversal that would have made life on that hand so simple.

-- Carlos (, January 20, 2001.

Christ you folks sound.... Conflicted.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), January 20, 2001.

My bitch sister in law.. actually BOTH of them.

-- Cherri (, January 20, 2001.

Ditto Tarzan and David L. In addition --

Co-workers who don't bathe regularly (some foreign co-workers need to be convinced that a daily shower is necessary)

Women who wear smelly, strong perfume at work. Ditto male aftershaves.

Office assistants who are regularly too hung over to do their jobs on Monday. (My next office assistant will be an LDS member in good standing!)

The last idiot who sneaked into my car and changed the radio station from OSU public radio to that whinny teen rock station, so that when I turned on my radio for the drive in, I was assulted with some noise that sounded like someone beating an elephant with a "See&Say" toy. Not a good way to begin a morning unless you're a teen who likes that sort of sound.

-- kb (, January 20, 2001.

kb8, re the perfume/scents: What you can do is go up to the person (male or female) and say (in as polite a voice as you can muster -- better effect!), "Gee, that's a nice scent you're wearing. But did you really have to marinate in it?"

Barring that, waving one's hands frantically in the air to "shoo" away the scent usually provides an excellent hint ;-)

I refer to the "memories" of the person's scent (the remnants left 20 minutes after they've passed by) as vapor trails.

-- (, January 20, 2001.

anonymous posters... people who put "..." after their posts...

-- Uncle Bob (, January 20, 2001.

Vapor Trails...I love it!

-- kb (, January 20, 2001.

Here's what rankles my wrinkles (a partial list)--

* people who say "whatever"

* people who don't flush the crappers in public restrooms (I am convinced this is a deliberate social statement)

* voice menus

* PC speech--I have mixed feelings on this. Up to a point, I think it is good; taken too far, it is absurd. IMO, "people of color" is absurd. (sorry FS)

* sitting in the passenger seat of someone who is tailgating

* I also have had trouble with certain perfumed persons. I remember a female whose perfume gave me a headache. I never figured a tactful way to tell her this

* emails that contain canned schmaltz, especially those that insist on me forwarding the message to 10 people upon penalty of death

* unattributed, humongous copy n paste posts to this board (I think have done this myself on a bad day and I humbly beg your apologies)

* Jim Rome

-- Lars (, January 20, 2001.

whatever lars

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 20, 2001.

Cherri's bitch sisters in law.. actually BOTH of them.

-- Uncle Bob (, January 20, 2001.

Welcome to the jungle, Lars:>)

-- Barry (, January 20, 2001.

-Arbitrary deadlines, set for the sole purpose of wielding power, and not any logical reason.

-Co-workers who lack work ethics.

-People who consistently fail to appreciate the beauty in nature, in all it's ranges.

-Trolls (I can't believe, NO ONE listed this!!!), here and in Bok's.

and there are others...but this will do for now.

-- Aunt Bee (, January 20, 2001.

Office mates who put bowls of candy on the corner of their desk and then make comments about how "bad" each passerby is as they take one!

-- Debbie (, January 20, 2001.

Poor manners, particularily the brand found in the excited states of America.

-- Will (, January 20, 2001.

Larscivious, you absolutely nailed it with "voice menus," the poster child of deteriorated customer service. I rarely fib, but when a voice menu advises callers with rotary phones to wait, I suddenly sprout one.

-- David L (, January 20, 2001.

Oh yeah, people who say: "multi-task" Ugh and Ack ;-)


-- Not now, not like this (, January 20, 2001.


"Smack", Dude!

-- Lars (, January 20, 2001.


Have a take, don't suck, or you'll get run

-- Uncle Bob (, January 20, 2001.

I hate undershorts that aren't cut right and you always have to peel them out of your crack whenever you stand up.

-- (not@fruitof.theloom), January 20, 2001.

UB, thanks. I am immediately going to "smack chat" after I post a few more pet-peeves:

* lip-synching

* email that is forwarded to scores of people

* preachiness

* people who leave their used dental floss on the end table

-- Lars (, January 21, 2001.

People who post a few more pet-peeves...

-- Uncle Bob (, January 21, 2001.

People who are peeved by people who post a few more pet-peeves.

-- Lars (, January 21, 2001.

People who 'have' pet peevers in the 1st place.

My sister in law, named shery, the SLUT.

Oh and manny, did I mention my bud manny?


-- SUMER (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

Sumer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **HUG** How are you today? C'mon down to the bar. I need some advice about how to survive Valentine's Day.

-- kb (, January 22, 2001.


to my bud kb!!!!

IF I came down to the bar, the mood I'm in, I'd NEVER leave :-)

How 2 servive V-Day, 4-get bout it!!! :-)

Now, I just booked a couples massage for me and my valentine. Then a room.

Massage and bang like bunnies!!! yep, sounds like a winner to me.

Opps, Didnt mean to go there all the way :-)

But, tell me you dont need suggestions for this special day, you romantic type of guy you.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

sumer, here's the problem: Valentine's Day is one of my girlfirend's pet peeves. She thinks it's one of the sillier holidays. What I'm not sure is whether she's saying this because her men in the past have been dolts and done dumb things to her (like not sending flowers) or whether she honestly believes it's a stupid day.

I take most things she says at face value ("no means no") but she also said that she didn't like Christmas that much and not to make a fuss, but I did put up a little tree and took her and a few of the siblings around to see the lights. She liked the presents I gave her. So, I'm not sure what to think.

Maybe get her one rose and take her out some place special for dinner?

I also thought about the gift certificate for a massage, but that might embarrass her because I'm fairly sure she's not going to get me anything.

And, no, I'm not going to get a new girlfriend. She is so wonderful in so many ways! We're just still working some of the bugs out of this relationship.

-- kb (, January 22, 2001.

A single rose. Now that is romantic.

How bout a thumb ring or a pinkie ring.? A cutsie idea, and not so expensive. Personally, I enjoy jewelry. A ring, necklace or inexpensive bracelet.

Shh, dont tell my hubby though:-)

Sometimes people dont always mean what they say. Its a shame, I do believe we women should just speak up, but in the same note, IF we do tell you guys what we like/want, somehow its just not the same *sigh*

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 22, 2001.

sumer said, IF we do tell you guys what we like/want, somehow its just not the same *sigh*

That's EXACTLY what's so frustrating! I'm not a mind reader. I've been around enough women to understand that I'll be in BIG dodo if I forget dates like their birthday, Valentine's Day, the day we met...

Like the joke says, "Mark it on the Calendar!" (And I check the **&^^%$$ Calendar)

But now I have a woman who claims some of these things aren't important to her, but I'm not sure that I can take that at face value. We're going to have to have a talk about that before long, but I'm trying to feel my way right now.

Thanks, sumer. I will get her the rose and take her to dinner. I wouldn't mind buying her an engagement ring before long, but we've got to work through some of these bugs, first. I'm sure we will.

I never thought I'd hear myself saying what an old girlfriend used to say to me, "We've got to talk."

-- kb (, January 22, 2001.

Kb, I think she's playing with your head, so....go along with her game. Such as, "You're right dear, valentines day IS a silly holiday. I agree we should show each other how much our love means each and every day, and not on one silly day."

THEN...suprise her with some flowers. A nice bouquet and have it delivered to her at work so she can show off her hunk to everyone and make everyone insanely envious.

Trust me =)

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 22, 2001.

I loved a funny valentine once. That is why I always have loved this song, especially by Sinatra.

My Funny Valentine

Lyrics: Lorenz Hart; Music: Richard Rogers

My funny Valentine

Sweet, comic Valentine

You make me smile with my heart


Your looks are laughable


Yet, you're my favorite work of art


Is your figure - less than Greek?

Is your mouth - a little weak?

When you open it to speak, are you smart?


Don't change a hair for me

Not if you care for me

Stay, little Valentine, stay

Each day is Valentine's Day

-- Lars (, January 22, 2001.

Guys who don't know what to do for Valentines Day...

People who post song lyrics...

-- Uncle Bob (, January 23, 2001.


None of my business, but if the communication between the two of you is such that you cannot be honest, and tell each other what you feel in your heart of hearts, perhaps the ring should wait. If you have to WONDER, what her real feelings are, then perhaps this is a time to step back at look at how closely you know each other, or wish to know each other, and what you can each do to change what seems to be the unknowable at this point. If this is to be your life partner, there should be no guessing. Like Frank sez, just my 2 cents. You know that I wish you well. Hope this is food for thought.

-- Aunt Bee (, January 23, 2001.

Cin, I don't think she's playing with my head. I just think in some of these matters, she really doesn't know what she wants. I did find out from her brother that there are some past family issues related to holidays that all the kids had to work through.

Yes, Aunt Bee, I'm going to have to have a talk with her. I've been putting it off for several reasons, but it's time.

Thanks for the advice.

Enjoy the day!

-- kb (, January 23, 2001.

Here's another suggestion, kb - this may be a case where you shouldn't worry to much about *exactly* what she wants, or try to interpret what she *says* she wants, and go ahead and try to make it a very fun Valentines day by surprising her with a little attention and generosity? I mean, unless she had some traumatic childhood issues with Valentines day (not likely,) then maybe you should take some valentine'in action here and see what develops. If she really doesn't enjoy the trappings of the holiday, then at least you know for sure going forward, and hopefully she'll at least give you credit for what counts - the "thought".

-- Bemused (anfd_amazed@you.people), January 23, 2001.


Just get her a bottle of edible massage oil and a pair of love cuffs,woohooo!!! Keeps it kinda light but seriously fun : )

-- capnfun (, January 23, 2001.

Bemused -- thanks! That's what I did for Christmas, and it worked out. That's the plan for VD day, too -- low key, but something different.

Capn! How are you? I think I'd better save the cuffs for later. Thanks for the image. (Wow).

We had lunch today, and I learned a little more about what makes her uncomfortable with the winter holidays ... it was a productive discussion, one we should've had several weeks ago, but better late than never, as my mom used to say.

-- kb (, January 23, 2001.


Good for you TWO! Trust is a biggie, but you can only find it by being honest and talking to each others hearts! You know it when you feel it, but you validate it when you communicate honestly and openly- not always easy to do! I am happy you have connected your minds and are learning about each other. Understanding your potential mates' perspective in all things, can help you understand each other, and appreciate where they have been, and thus, where they are. Only then when they sing, can you appreciate and love the beauty of their music! As a friend of mine likes to say, effort, endurance, and sincerity: such is the stuff true love is made of, of any kind. My best wishes to you friend~!

-- Aunt Bee (, January 24, 2001.

Thanks Aunt Bee! Your words of wisdom are both uplifting and helpful.

-- kb (, January 24, 2001.

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