Two questions about two games.. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Well, I have two questions about two games:)

1.Crazy Kong:

I have already talked with Ben Jos on Irc a few times about this.. I remember when I played this game in the arcade that you could get some kind of "rose" ors something when you jumped over a certain number of barrels on hte 25m stage. I have tried it on mame but I canīt see any "roses" at all.. Question: anyone that has seen this? On mame or on the real machine?

2.Marble Madness:

Once I have seen (in a game magazine I think) that you can acess a sectret level in Marble madness called "the water level" or likwise.. I may be wrong of course but I think I have seen it myself a long time ago or even tested it myself.. Itīs also possible that I mix M.M up with "gyroscope" (c64 game) but I donīt think so.. It had something to do with making a long "jump" out from a ledge somwere on the first or second level I think.. I talked with Lordgaz about it but he had no knowledge about any sectret level.

Please tell me if you know anything about this, OR if those drugs I used in my youth makes me dreaming about unreal things:)

Anyway.. thanks for listening:=)



-- QRS (, January 19, 2001


Never seen or heard of the CK 'roses' , but somewhere back in time, I too heard of a secret level in MM. Never seen it , but probably read about it somewhere. And that bit about a long jump off a ledge sort of rings a bell.....?

As for the drugs , I`d be more worried about the ones your taking nowadays....( aren`t the prices scandalous btw? :))


-- AL (, January 19, 2001.

QRS, there is a secret level in MM, water level. Not Arcade version, but some home system conversion(don't remember which/maybe all). I've only seen a picture in net. That conversion had awful graphics. It was a rumour that arcade version/original had it too, but I (as many other)think that it's not true.

The trick to enter is(I read this somewhere): At level 1(practice) jump into left side bonus numbers. Then you'll have to wait at exact spot near numbers for a while, then you get into water level.

Maybe if you use enough drugs, you can find your own "secret levels"...

-- Tommi (, January 19, 2001.

wow thanks! At least the secret level is MM was not a dream!

and it certainly rings a bell when you are talking about the waterlevel Tommi! well, I know for sure now I have seen the level, but I donīt know if I ever played it on console, or any other version than the arcade..I wonder were I have seen it then.. maybe it was on the arcade after all..

About the "roses" in ckong: I think you got it when you jumped over 3 or more barrels in a row, and one of those had to be a dif kind of barrel.. The version of ckong I played was the falcon (japan set1) version. You didnīt get any points at all for the "rose" (except the 300 points or whatever for jumping over the barrels:) It just showed up in the upper left corner I think OR maybe it was over the barrels you jumped over.. I donīt remember..

anyway, anyone else who knows??



-- QRS (, January 19, 2001.

QRS, incase you didn't know, you might want to look at my Marble tricks at tricks-section, funny things you can do with a trackball :)

-- TJT-170540_at_arcade (, January 23, 2001.

The marble madness secret level was on the C64 and 8-bit Apple versions of the game. It might be on the Amiga version (try it and see!). It is certainly not in the Arcade original.

Precise Instructions to access the C64 Water Maze can be found at this URL:

-- Jamie McLaughlin (, October 10, 2001.

yes i remember the water get there by going to a particular place on the first level and then waiting for the timer to count down to 13. the water maze was HARD, and i never lasted more than 10 seconds. always was curious if anyone had completed it, and what happens after.

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-- ron lee (, January 21, 2003.

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