Where Can I Find Pictures Of Antique Barbed Wire?

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Hi! I'm one of the newer people on this website. One of my older friends is looking for some pictures of antique barbed wire, do any of you know where I can get some via online or mail?

-- Lizabeth (evelynv@ipa.net), January 17, 2001


Do a web search. Using www.metacrawler.com, and entering phrase ANTIQUE BARBED WIRE or the phrase BARBED WIRE COLLECTION, I believe you will get a number of resources.

-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), January 17, 2001.

www.ebay.com has some also

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), January 17, 2001.

Here are some links for you. The top url shows excellent close up photos of a few varieties of barbed wire. http://www.angus.org/journal/99_03mar/barbwire.htm This one is for the Barbed Wire Museum here in Kansas. Each year they host a national event featuring barbed wire. Anyone for some splicing competition. Several age and gender catagories. http://www.rushcounty.org/barbedwiremuseum/

-- Notforprint (Not@thekeyboard.com), January 17, 2001.

www.historychannel.com had some pictures relate to their "Old West " series posted awhile back. Maybe they have them archived or something.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), January 18, 2001.

Dec - Jan issue of Farm & Ranch had an article with this URL in it: www,barbwiremusem.com . Hope it helps a little. Wayne

-- Wayne & Lyn Roach (R-WAY@msn.com), January 23, 2001.

We have roamed most of the deserts in southern Idaho, collecting lots of old barbed wire...many of them antique according to the pictures we were sent from the museum. Is there a market for these? Are there other collectors? Any and all guidance would be appreciated. Thanks

-- Barbara (frbrdBrbrH@netscape.net), April 13, 2001.

We have buyers all the time wanting old barbed wire----they are usually also collectors of old tack & spurs & bits etc.-----ask your local antique dealers or antique mall if they have buyers---most will have & will spread your name if you want to sell!!! We have a buy & sell & trade warehouse in Ks. that we operate by referrals /or by appointment only!!!! Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda in Ks. (sgbruce@birch.net), April 13, 2001.

There is a book entitled "Barbed Wire Collectors Bible" or "The Barbed Wire Bible" which shows many drawings of many different types and a little history of each. I have a copy of it around here somewhere but can't lay hands on it at the moment.

-- Ralph Mitchell (rmitch44@cs.com), March 08, 2002.

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