How Are Things At the Ice Rink? : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
It seems to me that not as many people are using the ice rink this season? Does anyone know if, indeed, attendance is down?And if so, why do we think that is the case? It does seem to me that it's not as festive an area as last winter. For one, you can hardly hear the music. (Is this because of complaints from people living nearby?)
-- Tom Marchessault (, January 17, 2001
I know part of the story, from living in the Courts of Devon apartments. There is a particular couple who registered complaints about the loudness of the music. This same couple has a reputation of being the most demanding residents in the apartment complex. They make continuous demands on the Bozzuto management - who accomodate them graciously, even though this may encourage more demands in the long run.I believe that the wife of the pair registered complaints to the City of Gaithersburg and that led to an investigation that delayed the opening of the ice rink. There are also some difficult business decisions involved: it is much more expensive to build an indoor compressor unit than to rent the unit, as the operator is currently doing.
I do agree with you that the music is too soft: it hardly conveys the festive atmosphere that you find in other city ice rinks, but then no one lives as close to the Rockefeller Center rink or the Reston Town Center rink, or do they?
-- Michael Berney (, January 18, 2001.