Dead man sat at desk for five days : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Dead man sat at desk for five days

A man sat at his desk for five days before fellow office workers noticed he was dead. George Turklebaum, a 51-year-old proof-reader, suffered a fatal heart attack at a New York firm of medical publishers.

But he was such a quiet worker, that none of the 23 other people in his office noticed anything out of the ordinary.

His boss Elliot Wachiaski said: "George was always the first guy in each morning and the last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn't say anything.

"He was always absorbed in his work and kept much to himself."

-- kb (, January 17, 2001


That's pretty pathetic.

-- kritter (, January 17, 2001.

I'm not trying to be gross or nuthin, but didnt the guy begin to smell a lil funny?

Oh well only in N.Y.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 17, 2001.

They even gave him a raise during those 5 days.

-- (, January 17, 2001.

Raise alright, yeah w/toe tag they raised him out the door and off to the morgue.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), January 17, 2001.

I should start nudging my co-workers more often. We have a few people where I work who could be in hte same condition. Did the cleaning crew just vacuum around his desk or what?

And how does one die in an upright position? Wouldn't there be some progressive slumping going on? Were his eyes open that whole time? Or did no one notice they were closed?

-- Mac the Knife (long_time_pal@w/, January 17, 2001.

all work and no PRAY-makes for a sad ending!!!!

-- al-d. (, January 17, 2001.

One never knows, Al. Perhaps he WAS praying.

-- (cin@cin.cin), January 17, 2001.

At least he was "dead-a-cated." TeeeeeHeeeee!

-- Don't Ask (, January 17, 2001.

sure hope so-------cin

-- al-d. (, January 17, 2001.

I want a job like that. Do nothing for 5 days and nobody notices.

-- Carlos (, January 18, 2001.

'Sumer, there was the report (last year?) of the guy who was riding the subway -- and for something like 18 hours, no one noticed he was dead.

That guy had a family who called the police. I wonder if this guy here was alone in one noticed he hadn't come home for five days. (I suppose no one noticed he was wearing the same clothes for five days either.)

-- (, January 18, 2001.

If the guy was working for 5 full days and his demise was reported in the Sunday papers (Jan 7th, 2001). Tell me, aren't people supposed to take the 1st of Jan off?

-- Joke Rana (, March 22, 2001.

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