cabin fever /want to start : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I think cabin fever is really getting to me latley. All i think about latley is planting my garden. I cant wait till it gets warm out. Does anyone have any links to some good seed catalogs they would like to share.please come visit me at
-- kelly (, January 16, 2001
Here's a few I have, if you want more just go to "Dogpile" and do a search. There are so many! Have fun. d2w/report should keep you busy a little while. I know that "I gotta garden" urge! God bless.
-- Nancy (, January 16, 2001.
Here's the complete list Plants By Mail FAQ
-- sharon wt (, January 16, 2001.
It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to know I'm not the only one.I've gone ballistic with seed catalogs lately, I'm even ordering some that I KNOW I'll never order from 'just because'.I went to pick up my perennial flower seeds this last weekend & ended up buying $35 wife is still a little peeved about that, but I promised to limit my lunches at work to make up for it.But now I'm not allowed to go thru the garden center at our local Wal-Mart without supervision. Oh The Shame Of It All!!!!!hehehehe I just can't wait till I can start getting my hands dirty again, but wait I will, since I have no choice.Dangit. Sparrowhawk
-- Sparrowhawk (, January 17, 2001.
I want to mention Sand Hill Preservation Center again. I received their catalog yesterday and I'm very impressed. (Thank You ROGO!!) They are a family who is dedicated to the preservation of heirloom seeds and poultry. Lots of interesting non-hybrid corn, tomatos, etc. I'm sending in an order asap. (Sand Hill Preservation Center, Heirloom Seeds & Poultry, Calamus, IA, 52729 (319)246-2299
-- Cathy in NY (, January 17, 2001.
kelly, I keep looking at the garden layout (paper) & keep a hopin' & a wishin'! I've made out the seed orders & am impatiently waiting for them to arrive and am still getting more seed catalogs in the mail!
-- Phyllis (, January 17, 2001.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person who has stacks of seed catalogs and can't be unsupervised in a garden center. I always see the miracle of life in a seed. And, I buy far too many miracles in that form! LOL! I remember the year my daughter and I planted 80 tomato plants! Can you believe that! And for two families totally 5 people! We have cut down considerably!. Now....back to the catalogs....
-- Ardie from WI (, January 17, 2001.
I had to show my husband this thread--just to show him I am not crazy! His response was "so, you have company"LOL.Last year. I planted 80 tomatoe plants, gave that many away and threw away that many more. I have ordered 10packs of tomatoe seeds and would order more but I know better. I have these "cute" little drawings of the orchard (what I "need" for it) and my garden(where I want things to go).I call the seed catalogs my "wish books"!!! Yea, it must be cabin fever! Burpee's offers a heirloom catalog. Nice selection of tomatoes, peppers, and corn.And their big atalog is beautiful. I also like Shepherd's it is part of the "White Flower Farm".
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, January 18, 2001.
Its minus 18 Celcius (you do the baffles me to convert to F) and the garden is under a foot or so of snow. To say I am getting antsy is to put it mildly. I started doodling a garden plan for whats going where this year and how much of each I will need to fill my purposes (always too much of this not enough of that). On top of that I am tending my houseplants like nobody's business and I think they may get spoiled. So to take the pressure off them I started raising sprouts..mung, alfalfa,wheat,and peas. its not the same but it'll have to do. sigh.
-- Alison in Nova Scotia (, January 23, 2001.