Engine Stops, Oil Leak

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have a MV F4 S 1+1 with 1600Km. It's the most beautiful bike in the world but I had the following problems with her:

- I had a serious oil loose going at 265KM/H at the Circuit de Catalunya GP Track (Barcelona) on a Sunday Track session and almost crashed.

- The front brakes showed symptoms of fadding after a few laps. (I couldn't believe that happened on a bike like this!)

- The bike's engine stops when driving slow (city drive) and reducing speed to stop i.e when arriving to a red traffic light. This is really annoying because it makes me look like an old lady who doesn't knows how to handle the bike.

I would appreciate your help. Thank you!!!! LEO

-- Leo Font (lfont@ohime.com), January 14, 2001


The best advice is to go to your dealership.

The oil leak maybe from a bad filter, bad threads.

Have you had your brakes bled, changed the fluid?

The engine stopping might be throttle bodies that need to be upgraded?

But your dealer would be most helpful.

"265km/h ~ 160 mph" That engine must've been howling!

-- mod (mvf4s@excite.com), January 15, 2001.

MV has just released a recall concerning the first O ring type 'Champion' oil filter. The later filters supplied to dealers some time ago "quote from Phil Read" were changed when bikes came in for a service, but without any urgency to the situation! The recall has happened due to some owners experancing oil filter seal blowout.... Eg. contents of engine go to new design location...... the rear tyre. In racing terms... this makes it intresting in turns! Ride carefully ASAP to your dealer. You're lucky, I did not get the chance. Go to the Casoli site. Best Regards Paul Irwin.

-- Paul Irwin (irwinpaul@x-stream.co.uk), February 22, 2001.

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