Cape Girardeau, MO Auction, : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for info on a livestock auction that is in Cape Girardeau, MO, it is in April and runs 3 days. We are suppose to go with some friends, if you have been there I would like to hear what you have to say about it, Is it something that is a waste of time or is it something everyone in the family may enjoy? How are the prices? Is it a large event? I have went to the Cape Girardeau, Mo web page and looked under the calander of event's but nothing is listed for the auction. Thanks in advance. God Bless.
-- tracy emily in TN (, January 14, 2001
That sounds like it's the Mid-America Exotic Animal Auction. Probably a good Auction if you are searching for Exotics or Alternative Livestock.
-- Mark in NC Fla (, January 14, 2001.
Tracy, We live across the highway and about 1/2 mile away from the site of the auction but have never attended it. It is actually just north of the little unincorporated town of Fruitland, Mo. You take I 55 north and get off at exit 105. The auction is at a livestock auction barn about 2 miles or so north on highway 61. Although I have never been to it, I understand it is worth going to if you are interested in exotics. I believe people come from all over the United States, including representatives of such people as Michael Jackson,etc..As well as the exotic stock I think there may be some turkeys and stuff for sale as well. If you plan to stay overnight, book a room well in advance because the motels in the area all fill up. Cape Girardeau has a Holiday Inn and several others. There is a fairly new motel called the Bavarian Inn in Fruitland that is supposed to be really nice, but it will fill up quickly too. I may try to go this year myself! Mona Lea
-- Mona Lea (, January 17, 2001.