Update on our friend "gail missouri ozarks"!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, Everyone. I received a letter from Gail today. He's been iced in for a while, and recovering from bronchitis. Poor guy had serious breathing problems, scared him pretty bad, so he called 911, they took him in for lots of tests, and decided it was bronchitis. Good news is he's not smoked a cigarette in over 3 weeks. He asked me to say Thank You for the hooded sweatshirt and longjohns, I guess one of us sent them anonymously?, or sent it from all of us? (I'm not clear on that-sorry.) He had a very nice Christmas, and the New Year entered quietly. He is looking forward to a new year, and hopefully better health. No word on the back surgery. He still has plenty of firewood-that was a real worry of mine, so I'm relieved.This letter seemed very somber; he apoligized about not writing for a few weeks, as he was waiting for something positive to write about. He said I can keep you all informed as to how he's doing, and if anyone wants to write him, I'm allowed to give you his mailing address. He doesn't want me to post it on the forum, so feel free to e-mail me for it. I think he could use some love and support from all of us, and some cheering up. Thanks. PS..he's on a lot of new pain medication, so if he writes to you and it's kinda hard to understand, I think that's the reason :)
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001
(I'm stealing this trick from sheepish!!) top!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001.
Tell Him that we are thinking of him. Hope the surgery comes soon. I know what its like being in pain. I know he had to go offline, but do you know if he still has his PC.If he does, when you contact him again suggest that he use his windows explorer and wordpad to build a post thread on 3 1/2 in floppy. He could send it snailmail to you and you could post it as a thread, then after the run on the mainpage here , you save the thread back to 3 1/2 in floppy and send it to him and he can open it in windows explorer. This way he wouldn't be completly away from the forum.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001.
Cathy, could you please email me his address? Thanks. And he picked a good time to get off this forum, as it would probably have upset him to read all the recent posts.I am glad you are staying in touch with him! And if the pain meds make his writing hard to understand, well, I'll just tell him I've been practicing deciphering some of the recent posts on here. They have been hard to understand, too!!!
-- sheepish (WA) (rborgo@gte.net), January 14, 2001.
Going up, please!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 15, 2001.