What a Beautiful Morning and a Forum Question(misc.)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
What a beautiful morning in southeastern Indiana. Hoarfrost, sunshine and birds sitting tall dead weeds. Funny how things so unwanted in the summer can be so beautiful in the winter.Hope this makes since. I should have been on here long enough not to feel too embarrassed for my thoughts. This may be a stupid idea or it may be a good idea, I was thinking about a weekly thread, like we had for political chats, for thoughts. Like the one I posted about the weather. Folks like the hoarfrost but they probably don't care about the weather this morning in Indiana. Sometimes I have a thought/idea that I'd like to share but probably wouldn't get much if any response or you might think, why'd she post that. (And would it take up a lot of room to have a thread for such ideas?) Maybe others have the same thoughts. What do you think about this?
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001
I think that it is a wonderful idea !
-- Trendle Ellwood (trendlespin@msn.com), January 13, 2001.
Oh what a beautiful day! Ive got a beautiful feeling.Everything's going my way.Song & dance (wo)man
What would you call it? Thoughts,wise & otherwise?
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), January 13, 2001.
Everybody posts about the weather but no body ever Control Alt Deleats it...
-- Willy Allen (willyallen2@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001.
Good start to your morning!! It's cold crisp weather up here in maine. Sunshine, not too breezey. Wish we hadmore snow to bank the buildings though. Well, see ya tomorrow morning.
-- michelle (tsjheath@ainop.com), January 13, 2001.
Yeah, good idea Cindy!
-- sheepish (rborgo@gte.net), January 13, 2001.
Cindy - I think it's a great idea! But tell me, what is a hoarfrost?
-- Dianne (willow@config.com), January 13, 2001.
Cindy, I love it!! Great idea, maybe an opportunity to do a teeny bit of creative writing!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 13, 2001.
Wow, nice day here to think I'll get the mowers ready. :)
-- hillbilly (internethillbilly@hotmail.com), January 13, 2001.
We had a lovely hoarfrost as well. I took a walk around the property and looked in at the garden. The strawberry plants were especially pretty with their dark gree/red tints and the white frost highlighting it.As the day warmed (yes, it warmed up here finally) we actually had real mud in the back yard. Made a mess of the back porch but the day was beautiful and we could go outside with out all the acoutrements. Would have liked to build a fire in the garden and burn debris lying around the yard but we had a new arrival in our family we were tending too. Bart came to live with us on Saturday. Bart is a Siberian Husky. His previous owners were moving and couldn't take him so we did. (Any ideas on how to dis-interest this dog in "fast- food chicken"?)
Looking like snow this evening. I don't know though since I hardly ever bother to check the forcasts.
-- Heather (heathergorden@hotmail.com), January 14, 2001.