Can someone tell me why my posts sometimes have paragraphs and sometimes not?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I DO know how to make paragraphs, honestly! Sometimes my posts come out all nicely spaced and readable, other time everything's all mashed together. I space my paragraphs the same every time - what's the secret?
-- Lenette (, January 12, 2001
When you are done typing and want a new paragraph you can hit [Enter] twice. When you post that double enter will create a single blank line and create a new paragraph. The computer geek method is to type the html code <p>. When you post, it will not display <p> but will create a new paragraph.
-- William in WI (, January 12, 2001.
Hit the ENTER key twice to make a new paragraph.
-- Cindy in Ky (, January 12, 2001.
It may have something to do with the way the site reads keystroke ascii code. I have noticed that since they moved the forum and added the trailers that I am unable to enter "short " lines or bank double spaces. It may be doing it to save space or it may only be set to interpret certain browsers. At about the same time that it started occurring for me, I had upgraded to explorer 5.0 to facilitate downloads better.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 12, 2001.
I've been wondering that too. I know how to make paragraphs and I do, yet some posts end up all squashed together and hard to read.
-- Julie Froelich (, January 12, 2001.