Depth of field scale on M2's viewfinder : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I read somewhere that the Leica M2 has a depth-of-field scale in the viewfinder. Where is it and how does it work?

-- Ron Gregorio (, January 11, 2001


The little focusing area in the center of the viewfinder image has tabs projecting from top and bottom. The top one is wider and is used to judge acceptable depth of field for the 50mm lens set at f/16 - the lower, narrower tab is for f/5.6. Once your subject is focused sharply, place the appropriate tab over another object you want to be acceptably sharp. If the double image it produces is offset less than the width of the tab, it will be sharp enough. This feature is said to work only for a 50mm lens. I've never used it, although I know it's there.

-- Keith Nichols (, January 11, 2001.

I use mine all of the time, mostly when I am shooting fairly wide. If I was at f/16, I'd opt to just use the DOF marks on the lens. While the marks are designed for the 50mm lens, I have used mine for the 35mm lens and find that I can subtract one f-stop without any problem... making the cutouts accurate for both f/4.0 and f/11 with the wider lens.

I used my camera for years without giving the cutouts a second look, but after trying it, I find it very quick... and it works!

-- Al Smith (, January 11, 2001.

After they were introduced on the M2, the M3 got them too. Also many cameras that originally did not have them were updated during any routine service by Leica.


-- John Collier (, January 11, 2001.

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