This is still January isn't it? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Just checked my email and have three commercials showing February 2nd and 8th dates...very strange..anyone else getting weird email dates?

-- justa ponderin (about strange em@il.dates), January 10, 2001


There was a rash of leap year glitches
concerning dates. This may be the answer.

-- spider (, January 10, 2001.

That's a trick by spammers to bump their emails to the top of your inbox. They'll put old dates on them too, although I haven't figured out why.

-- Buddy (, January 11, 2001.

Buddy, could be so that they'll go to the bottom of the list; whether it's the top or the bottom, it's probably going to be seen.

-- (, January 11, 2001.

buddy & pat are correct, spider is usual.

nothing new here.

Will the y2k paranoid EVER get a tech issue right?

I doubt it. But that won't stop the hardcore from spouting "doom doom DOOM" whenever they get the chance.

-- Can't Believe The Freaks Are Still (falling@for.y2kdoom-n-gloom), January 11, 2001.

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