Quilting Help Neededgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am about to start on a quilt for my daughter. She asked for one over nine years ago..she wants a silk/satin top..am not looking forward to sewing that slippery, sliding material at all. Should I use nylon thread to sew it? What size needle for machine? What about machine and bobbin tension? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I have never made a quilt out of this type material and know it is going to drive me nuts..but I am going to make it for her as I have put it off way to long. Thanks.
-- Lynn (mscratch1@semo.net), January 10, 2001
Lynn, I still have the book from my rather ancient Singer that I traded in my trundle on back in the 60's (wish I still had the trundle) It recommends a needle size of 9 with stitch length setting of 15-20. I find I have to bring me tension into balance when I change fabic, and that would really require some trials based on your own machine. They also recommend a fine mercerized cotton or synthetic thread, but I think I would try some of the silk thread that is available now that wasn't back when this book was written. Hope that helps - good luck
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), January 10, 2001.
Besy advice I ever had regarding trying to sew silk fabric was to cut a square for practice first..my problem was the tension adjustment..just could NOT get it proper (kept bunching up the silk) what a mess. I finally gave up and did it by hand..I now make all of my quilts strictly by hand..not bragging at ALL, just too lazy to figure out the right techniques on the treadle machine! I use regular quilting thread on every type of fabric...no special reason, just habit. God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), January 10, 2001.
I just read an article about making silk quilts, the author recommends using a very light weight fusible web to make the silk easier to handle, and sewing with silk thread.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), January 10, 2001.
One thing about sewing silk is that the seams will fray. The idea for fusible is good, but try it out first. You can also french seam the edges - I did this with a flannel quilt (flannel frays badly too). I would definitely try different things out
-- beckie (sunshine_horses@yahoo.com), January 10, 2001.
When sewing slippery stuff, I like to spray it with a heavy starch first (test silk for spotting!), then sew. Also, you can use those sprays that "stiffen" fabric, although they are essentially just heavier duty starch.
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), January 10, 2001.
There are many weights of silk and satin, not to mention textures. I would ask at the fabric/quilting shop and if you already have a stash of fabric, take some samples for them to see. They are the "experts" and they can tell you the best needle size and type to use as well as the best way to stabilize the fabric. (Also the best batting to use) The way you intend to quilt it, by hand or machine, will determine the best batting. This sounds like a PROJECT of huge proportions. I sure hope your daughter has a substantial savings account to pay for the drycleaning. Good luck.
-- Peg (wildwoodfarms@hushmail.com), January 10, 2001.
Peg..That's why I have put it off for so long..when she was a baby she was always rubbing the satin edges of her baby blankets and never outgrew it..LOL.. This is definitely going to be a prolonged project but I really think it is time I gave her this quilt..she has waited so long. I've got the will..I just have to find the way.
-- Lynn (mscratch1@semo.net), January 10, 2001.