Anybody? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Anybody deal with thet seem really friendly... any comments?

-- Jeff Moyer (, January 08, 2001


I ordered from Videomas cheap 2 out of 3 vcd were good. But I don't want to order from them again.

-- Kenny.k (, January 08, 2001.

I run this site - and I have not listed videomas - because I knew little about them

Why did you not like videomas - should I list them or do they deserve to be omitted - where are they based? So many questions - but I need to know!


-- Waynne Smith (, January 13, 2001.

almost all of their vcd are the cheapest here on the website Just examine They're movie ranged from 3.90 to 10.00 or more This seem somewhat suspicious to me.

-- Kenny.K (, January 28, 2001.

I just received my VCD from Malaysia using videomas website. There was no problem at all. By normal shipping the vcd took 13 days to arrive here in the uk. I am pretty happy :-)

-- Shajib (, March 13, 2001.

I highly recommend Videomas to everybody. I've order about 50 VCDs from them and hey are all original licensed VCDs. In each case I've recieved my order within 2 weeks and had no problem with customer service.


-- Danno! (, March 25, 2001.

Very good site, Great Price and the order was fast and correct. I plan to but from them again.

-- John (, July 24, 2001.

I have ordered many VCD's from Videomas and am very happy. I received one that was incorrect, they replaced it and even let me keep the incorrect one. When the WTC and Pentagon were attacked they even sent out a message of condolences. Very, very nice to deal with.

-- James Baker (, September 21, 2001.

I think videomas is a very good site and I highly recommend to anybody. The collection of titles are comprehensive comparing to other site, and prices are great for original VCD.

Catherine Chong

-- Catherine Chong (, October 01, 2001.

OK so Videomas are now approved and listed on where you will find some exclusive VCD offers and you will benefit from our code of practice for VCD retailers.

-- Waynne Smith (, November 05, 2001.

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