Cigar : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wondering if anyone could point me toward a seed company that carries a different tobaccos suitable for making cigars? I am not interested in Burley Tobacco seeds. Thanks in advance.
-- Ed Holt (, January 07, 2001
Henry Field's sells seed for White Burley tobacco. They have a website at I don't smoke and have never grown it but I ordered some seed the other day just to see what it's like to grow it. Seed Saver's Exchange usually has some members who offer several different kinds of tobaccos, but you may not want to spend the $35 membership fee.
-- Hannah Maria Holly (, January 08, 2001.
Ed, I have Havana Tobacco seed.This is supposed to make good cigars but since I don't smoke I am not sure.Email your address if you want to try this variety.I use the dried,ground leaves for insecticide.
-- JT in NW Florida (, January 08, 2001.
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange carried Tobaccum rustica? in their catalogue.Heirloom variety.Have no idea if that is suitable for cigars.There also was an article in Countryside about growing tobacco and varieties available,earlier this year.
I have flowering,and woodland tobaccos.I don't think either of those would do it for you.But I really don't know for sure.
-- sharon wt (, January 08, 2001.