What is the time frame?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

I am putting a team together to enter in the 2001 series, and I would like to know when the shows will be filmed. The tapes need to be sent in Feb, but what is the schedule after that? I am not looking for iron clad dates. Even knowing what month or series of months would be helpful at this point. It is hard to get team members around an unknown time schedule. Please help if you can.

-- John Conley (Jconley@austin.rr.com), January 07, 2001


The filming will be mid-May to the end of June 2001.

-- Andy Bell (andy.bell@rdfmedia.com), January 08, 2001.

The NERDS have a web site at www.the-nerds.org that includes a chronology of their time on the show. That may or may not be relevant. You'll probably also hear from some of this season's contestants here in the forum.

-- YCDK (ycdk@hotmail.com), January 08, 2001.

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