Are there any Handheld televisions that can display a vcd movie in its full resoulution without converting every 4 pixels into 1? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Are there any Handheld televisions that can display a vcd movie in its full resoulution without converting every 4 pixels into 1? I have a Portable vcd player. It is a Napa Dav309. It has audio and video out ports. So Basically I an looking for a standard baterry powered hand held Tv with at least 352x288 resolotion and an A/V in port. Please E-mail me at Thanks Andrew Lodge

-- Andrew Lodge (, January 06, 2001


very good site

-- kiran gopal kamble (, February 25, 2001.

you can use the Playstation 1 mobile monitor from Interact for this. It's a 5" LCD screen with decent resolution and it has the Playstation input as well as a regular stereo AV plug in. the screen is $149 and the optional battery is around $40

-- james (, September 05, 2001.

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