Land : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does this forum have any place for land that is for sale?I know I've seen people asking about areas and I just wanted anyone who was interested to know that we've got 8+ acres in north Idaho for sale. It's a nice piece with electricity (grid) already paid for and installed on it. There's a skeleton of a one room cabin with a really sturdy roof on it
. It's wooded lot and the deer and moose cross the property all the time. We also have a ton of grouse. And that darn bear...! We live across the road, so it's not like we just want to sell it to anyone. It's kind of remote and people up here don't trust you too much until you've wintered two years! Then they get friendly! Actually, if it weren't for our neighbors, we'd never have made it the first two years!! We sure were greenhorns! Still are about a lot of things, but we're learning. Now we have four goats, 15 chickens, three bunnies and are going to replace the cow we're eating this spring ..hopefully with a Mom who's preggers.
Well, let me know if anyone is interested! Idaho Cher
-- Cher Rovang (, January 06, 2001
Cher, I don't see that word - preggers - used much. Are you a fan of Edward Abbey?
-- JLS in NW AZ (, January 06, 2001.
Cher,Please e-mail me with information.
-- Marty (, January 07, 2001.
Please send more info on price and location.
-- Melissa (, January 07, 2001.
I got a whole bunch of inquiries on our land. I hope I got to everyone...if I didn't..please let me know!!Idaho Cher
-- Cher Rovang (, January 09, 2001.