converting downloaded asf's or mpg's into vcd or dvd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i download mp3's and want to get some movies as well. my pc isn't good enough but i do own a hardly-used dvd player (which informs me it will also take vcd and cd.) i want to know how i can convert asf format or mpg format, which seem to be the most common ones, into vcd or dvd so i can view on tv.

-- peter large (, January 05, 2001


hey on that question about how to put mpeg files to vcd form, well i was wanting to ask same question once u find out please tell me and i will do the same.. thanks

-- hank ross (, January 07, 2001.

That's my question too. Anyone who knows how, let me know. Thanks.

-- Joe (, June 29, 2001.

To convert asf to avi you need "virtualdub" (freeware):

To convert avi to mpeg you will need to have an mpeg-encoder such as "panasonic encoder", "xing mpeg encoder" or "dvmpeg".

-- Peter Pantoine (, August 04, 2001.

You can use Nero burner, it will automatically convert the asf format to vcd compliant format. Converting time is depend on your pc spec

-- kurt (, March 16, 2004.

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