Spiritual Tithing

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The proof of the knowledge that existed when scripture was written is contained in the close similarity found between what was written, and what we have discovered in physics and science to be true.

Rather then upsetting religious people by discussing these things, you would think they would be excited to find that what they have been following is actually a scientifically correct outline of life. Maybe with a need to understand a little differently, but nonetheless correct. Instead religious people simply declare that if you try to place scientific names on their beliefs you are some kind of heretic or cult leader. That is unfortunate but true. But any way let us go on.

There is a dominance of the unseen. Something that cannot be seen is the most dominant force in the universe. And it is dark matter. Scientific evidence confirms that 90% of the universe is made of dark matter. Only 10% is the physical or visible.

That is interesting when you consider that we use 10% of the brain, which is called the left side, and is considered the analytical or physical side. While the right side which makes up the 90% is considered the emotional, or spiritual side. So our dark matter is actually the 90%, which is the same as the universe.

That gives us reason to consider the universe as the cosmic, or God brain ,and expedites our search for similarities to the human brain.

As we ponder that possibility it brings us to the connection that can be made between God and us. We are made in the image and likeness is what the Bible says.

The image and likeness is consciousness. Christ consciousness, Krishna consciousness. It is the workings of the mind and brain.

Scientists tell us that 90% of the universe is dark matter and 10% is physical or visible.

Science tells us that 90% of the brain is the right side or spiritual/emotional, and 10% is the left or physical.

Now the first thing that we should be willing to consider is, is this just a coincidence or is there a plan here. Is the human brain 90 & 10 made in the image and likeness of the cosmic brain 90 and 10? What I wish to consider now is the relevance of 10 to the physical side of the human brain. That 10% is yours. You are in charge of it. You decide what to do. The ten percent or left side is under your control. The 90% called the right side is not.

There is a word in scripture and that word is TITHE. It means 10. From the Old Testament into the New, the admonition is to tithe. Give 10 percent. Religion has taken this to mean that you should give 10 percent of your income to them.

But I suggest something far more meaningful and far more reasonable.

Hebrews 7:2 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

Hebrews7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, or end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

Notice that the tithing goes to someone, or some thing that has no parents, no descent, no beginning or end. It does not go to people or man made institutions

Giving the 10th means, separating from the left or intellectual side during meditation. It is symbolic of joining to the Dark Matter, Life Force

Something to mull over.

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 05, 2001


Sorry, must clarify, I did not write that, I am only posting it because I like it and it makes me think. It was written by my friend Bill Donahue, who is a non-denominational minister.

-- kritter (kritter@adelphia.net), January 05, 2001.

Giving the 10th means, separating from the left or intellectual side during meditation. It is symbolic of joining to the Dark Matter, Life Force

The concept of giving up the physical aspect, separating from it during meditation - I love it! Expansion of consciousness while remaining cognizant of the body/intellect is like if I were attempting to row a cruise ship to shore. But that's using a few particular meditation techniques which are most effective when the body and intellect move into the background.

There are Buddhist meditations in which the body is very much the focus. Then there's Tantra, which provides for two individuals exploring each other, becoming one and then this 'little one' merging with the One.

Many paths. I feel like a kid exploring the endless aisles of a candy store sometimes. Bin after bin filled with tasty treasures, infinite flavor-coatings all with the same center just waiting for the taster to discover it.

Thanks for the thread, K.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), January 05, 2001.

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