Quote for the Day 01.04.01greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
The value of doing something does not lie in the ease or difficulty, the probability or improbability of its achievement, but in the determination and the perseverance, the effort and the struggle which go into the project. Life is enriched by aspiration and effort, rather than by acquisition and accumulation.-Scott & Helen Nearing, Living the Good Life
-- debra in ks (solid-dkn@msn.com), January 04, 2001
Good One debra - I hope this has been as well read as some of the other stuff that is going on on this forum!!!
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), January 05, 2001.
Good, but one must also consider whether the project is right or wrong! A thief might put a great deal of determination, perseverance, effort, and struggle into stealing something -- but that doesn't make it a good thing to be doing!!! But the last sentence is very true, our lives are enriched by the act of working towards something, not necessarily by attaining all of our goals!
-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), January 05, 2001.