Is there any way at all of converting Divx? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, Is there any way at all of converting Divx or does no one know the structure? I'd like to convert an avi divx file to an mpeg1 file so as to burn it to make a VCD. Thanks for any help

-- Jordan Woolley (, January 04, 2001


Yes, TMPGENc will do it. However, you may have a problem with the audio part. Best bet is to demux the video and audio into components using Virtual Dub(video=direct stream copy w/o audio : audio save as wav with full process+conversion=48Kbit 16bit Stereo HighQuality). Feed the video(DivX) and audio(WAV) into TMPEG and choose a template (VCD/SVCD) and click start. Wait.......

-- lnguyen (, January 04, 2001.

try an aplication called VCDEasy, it's pretty nice and does most of the work for you, u just have to give it the movie file

-- Ridller (, October 02, 2003.

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