The only Cancer cure that works! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

In 1976, after being told I had colon cancer, I went searching for an alternative way of dealing with it, rather than the traditional medical modalities of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, which I felt had been the cause of my mother's death (she had been diagnosed with colon cancer before me).

It was at this time that I came in contact with evangelist Lestor Roloff, who encouraged me to not go the traditional medical route! Rather, he simply encouraged me to change my diet from the Standard American Diet (a meat based, sugar dessert, cooked food diet), to the raw fruits and vegetable as found in the Genesis 1:29 diet. He also encouraged me to drink a lot of carrot juice.

Overnight I made the diet change, and for the next year did not put a single piece of cooked food into my body, while drinking one to two quarts of carrot juice a day. Almost immediately I started to get well, and by the end of that first year, saw not only my baseball sized tumor disappear (without medical intervention), but also saw all my other physical problems disappear! Since making that diet change in 1976, I have not experienced as much as a cold.


When God created us He placed within us a digestive system so that we could process the raw fruits and vegetables He provided in nature. This digestive system was designed by God to take the raw materials found in nature and break them down into a form that would make them useable at the cellular level of our bodies as fuel. Listen to what H. E. Kirschner, M.D., says about this digestive process in his book LIVE FOOD JUICES, on pages 20 and 21:

"Why not just eat the raw vegetables? As we have indicated in the previous chapter, for optimum health you need far more than you could possibly eat. The stomach just couldn't handle that much bulk. Then too, if modern research is correct, the power to break down the cellular structure of raw vegetables, and assimilate the precious elements they contain, even in the healthiest individual is only fractional--not more than 35%, and in the less healthy, down to 1%.

"In the form of juice, these same individuals assimilate up to 92% of these elements. The juice of the plant, like the blood of the body, contains all the elements that build and nourish. It is a well-known fact that all foods must become liquid before they can be assimilated."

Thus, by juicing, we do the work of the digestive system (removing the fiber) BEFORE we put the food into our bodies. By removing the fiber, which contains no nutritional value (fiber is only the carrier of the nutrients), we are putting only the part of the vegetable that contains the nutrients (the liquid part) into our bodies. By doing this, we eliminate the need for it to go through the digestive process. With the fiber removed, the nutrients can go directly to cellular level in mere minutes, and this raises the percentage of nutrients reaching cellular level from less than 35% to more than 90%.

This is one of the KEYS to the results people experience on the Hallelujah Diet. And this is one of the primary reasons that within six months or less, from the time a person makes the diet change that we teach, over 90% of all physical and even emotional problems are gone. You see, the body has within it not only the ability to rebuild itself when given the proper building materials, but also the ability to heal itself of almost anything that ails it. This self-healing mechanism was placed there by God at creation, and has been passed down to each of us through genetic coding.

So, first, if we want to get well, or stay well, we stop putting into our bodies the toxic foods that have been causing harm (all animal products, sugar, salt, white flour, and caffeine). Then we start putting into our bodies the raw building materials the Lord designed our bodies to run on, especially in the form of concentrated raw vegetable juices, and the miracle usually follows

-- Malkmus (, January 01, 2001


Can Michael Hyatt be far behind?

-- Barry (, January 02, 2001.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), January 02, 2001.

Hey, Milkmouse, you have posted this before. How much business did you get then?

-- Lars (, January 02, 2001.

Dr. Lorraine Day, a well-known orthhopedic trauma surgeon, in California cured her cancer similarly. She has appeared on numerous TV shows and gives lectures. you can find her at

-- John Littmann (, January 02, 2001.

Several large pharmas have joint trials which combine their drugs with Aptosyn, with dramatic results. Non-small-cell lung cancer is treated with complete success with a combination of Aptosyn and Taxotere.

The company's website is at

-- (researching@cancer.cures), January 02, 2001.

Malkmus, you say you have no reocurrance of your malignancy because of the veg. and fruit juices? If so you are the second person that I know of that has fought and won with a simple juicer. The other victim was a lung cancer patient that reduced the size of his malignancy wich I here is pretty bad when it is in the lung. Carrot, celery, parsley were his main ingredients along with beets. He says that diabetes and high blood pressure can be controlled with this juicing too. What do you think?

-- Boswell (, January 02, 2001.

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