Difference between 2000/2001 F4Sgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
I have put deposit on a 2000 model F4S in Seattle but wonder if the new 2001 will have any improvement? I heard somewhere that the 2001 chip is different from the 2000 and is suppose to make a bit more power. I wonder if anyone can let me know where I can find out more. Thanx.
-- Takie Chan (tchan748@yahoo.com), December 31, 2000
I have not seen any magazine or web articles on the specs of the 2001 F4S. As soon as information is released I will try and scour and share. If you have a chance I would try a deposit on the 2001 model, as they will improve on it a bit, by how much, I dunno.
-- mod (mvf4s@excite.com), December 31, 2000.
Dual radiators were incorporated on 200 bikes also. If your bike has only one I think it might be a warranty issue and can get the extra radiator.Throttle bodies were also replaced as well as fuel lines I think
-- mod (mvf4s@excite.com), January 03, 2001.
I now only one difference for Model 2001 (Switzerland): it has two radiators instead of one. Obviously all little problems which produced recalls are done. Georg
-- georg (drvetgp@yahoo.com), January 03, 2001.