Pedaphilia Chic : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Pedaphilia Chic

-- Lars (, December 28, 2000


Pederasty was well established in classical Greece. Young boys are very beautiful.

GREEK Man-Boy Sex

-- (AlanG@Howl.Howl), December 28, 2000.

Radical chic, gay chic, lesbian chic, pedaphilia chic. Hmmmm, how about cannibal chic?

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), December 28, 2000.

here we GO!! ''''''AS IN THE DAY,S OF NOAH""""""

-- al-d. (, December 28, 2000.

How about hero chic, integrity chic, compassion chic, courage chic?

-- Lars (, December 28, 2000.

How about a cool chic?

-- capnfun (, December 29, 2000.

Shabby chic, heroin chic, Paris chic.

-- (C'est@tres.chic), December 29, 2000.

There is no excuse for condoning adult-child sex just because it is a male child, no matter how "poetic" they try to make it sound! If the gay and lesbian community doesn't stand up and speak against it, they will be hurt in the backlash when the public finally opens their eyes and see's what is happening.

-- Cherri (, December 29, 2000.


You make too much sense. But as long as we remain in the "defining deviancy down" phase, it would not surprise me if pedaphilia becomes acceptible among the tone-setters and anyone opposed will be labeled a "prude".

Watch out furry-animals, your turn in the barrel loometh.

-- Lars (, December 29, 2000.

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