WHAT A BAD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This day has been so bad. I got up around 700 am to make blueberry muffins for the kids. After breafast I went to sit down on the couch and sat right on a FISHING HOOK (WOW)After screaming awhile I decided to go to the hospital around 10.00 am. I WAS SO EMBARRESSED. I WAS LAYING IN THERE AND A NURSE CAME IN AND SAID THAT THERE HAD BEEN A ACCIDENT AT MY HOUSE. THE AMBULANCE BROUGHT IN MY SON . HE WAS RIDING HIS QUAD (MOTORCYCLE) AND CRASHED. NOW THEY BROUGHT HIM IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME. HE GOT 38 STICHES IN HIS LEG,AND I GOT 3 STICHES IN MY ASS. WHAT A DAY. THANKS FOR LISTENING. KELLY
-- KELLY (MILKGOATS12@AOL.COM), December 28, 2000
I hope everyone heals soon .You will never live this down I hope you know.I am sorry to say I did have a good laugh .I am sorry but I could not help it.
-- Patty (fodfarms@slic.com), December 28, 2000.
Kelly, I feel for you. A while back, the folks at our ER knew the sounds of our voices on the phone and always sent us to the same treatment room. :) You'll look back on it and laugh someday. Hang in there.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), December 28, 2000.
Okay, Kelly, I have to ask. Why was the hook on the couch in the first place? Was it a gift? Are you someplace warm where fishing all year happens? Did the kid who left it there have some pain on his bottom? Hope you heal quickly.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), December 28, 2000.
Kelly, no matter how bad your day was, remember it could have been worse. Be thankful it wasn't.Now you'll be able to spend some quality time with your son. :)
-- hillbilly (internethillbilly@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.
OOOOWWWWCHHHH! Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. I know how you feel vis a vis the emergency room - had to go in once because I had a prickly pear thorn (big one, too) stuck in my big toe (hint: never weed your cactus in sandals - DOH!) Sat in the ER forever watching people in wheelchairs and with bloody appendages mill around, feeling positively wussy, but I couldn't get a good pulling angle on it and appearently they're barbed, too. Paid some young resident mucho deniero to pull out a thorn. One good tug and out it came. Shheeeesshh! Very embarassing. I hope you get to feeling better. At least you get stitches to beef up your story - all I got was a red spot and a tetnus shot!
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), December 28, 2000.
OK- silver lining-You can tell everyone who makes smart remarks that it just shows what you knew all along,that you're quite a catch,right?I was going to tell you it will give you a good excuse to sit on your butt and take it easy for a change, butt then realized you would not be doing that for a bit.
On son- well....kids! What can you say?
Take care and heal up good.
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), December 29, 2000.
It is immediately obvious to me that if you kept your fishhooks on the seat of the motorcycle instead of the couch, you could reduce your emergency room trips, and probably your costs, by one half. Kelly, you must learn to plan better! Hope you sleep on your belly better than I do, and GL!
-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), December 29, 2000.
Kelly: My sympathies--brought back memories of playing outdoors in the twilight, and falling backwards into what I thought was a tall patch of grass at my aunt and uncle's house during a family reunion. Turned out to be cactus. Cousins, aunts and uncles were treated to my bare fanny turned over my father's lap for an hour, having all those thorns removed. Good thing I was only about 6 years old, but I still get reminded of the episode when I meet a long lost cousin. "Oh, yes, you're the one with the cactus thorns in your...". Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), December 29, 2000.
Jan, the next time you sit on a cactus, use elmer's glue, spread on, let dry, pull on glue and out comes the stickers.
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 03, 2001.