Thank you : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
A couple of months ago I posted a prayer request there was a job available it was one I was qualified to do, and the compitition was tough. I really wanted the job frankly I was tired of applying and interviewing. I was offered a job in august and had to turn it down because I had gotten out of the hospital the day before and wouldn't be able to work for six to twelve weeks. So when this one became available I wanted it in the worst way. So I asked you all to pray for me and it worked. I started working about mid november and have never been happier. Unfortunately I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to thank you all. So first thank God, second my husband and my daughter the prayer warrior, and last but not least all of you. I love my job ( Teaching) I love my family and I love this site and all of your good advice. Sorry I missed thanksgiving a Hoots HA. But I will be there for the fourth of July. You're all the best, I must have missed out on the bickering thing? But quit it your all better than that. thanks again Ronda
-- ronda (, December 27, 2000
isn't teaching the most rewarding job ever. i have been a teacher for over 10 years and wouldn't trade it for anything else. sometimes it gets tiring but all in all it is a wonderful life.
-- sally stanton (, January 03, 2001.