Interactive VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello. I've got a Pioneer DV525 and I'd like to create VCD with menus and all that stuff. I discovered VCD yesterday so I really don't know anything about that.

I'd like to know what software should I buy to burn vcd (EZCD CREATOR 4? WinonCD PE 3.7 ? NERO ? ...)

Many Thanks !

-- Arnaud (, December 27, 2000

Answers go there

-- lnguyen (, December 27, 2000.

I tried both Nero 5.0.31 and EZCD Delux 4.02, I like Nero better becaus cheaper and it support SVCD some day you may be need SVCD who knows.

-- Cher (, December 28, 2000.

If you want create extensive menus then go with videopack4.0

-- malnadman (, December 31, 2000.

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