Gunman Kills 7 Workers at Mass. High-Tech Office : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

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Gunman Kills 7 Workers at Mass. High-Tech Office ---------------------------------------------------

Tuesday December 26 1:09 PM ET

WAKEFIELD, Mass. (Reuters) - At least seven people were killed when a gunman opened fire at the corporate headquarters of Edgewater Technology, an Internet consulting firm based in Wakefield, Mass., on Tuesday, according to local television reports.

``The gunman went postal,'' one witness told reporters as police continued their search of the three-story brick office complex about 30 minutes north of Boston.

Emergency medical personnel told reporters that seven people were fatally shot in the rampage that began about noon EST.

Heavily armed police wearing bullet-proof vests were conducting a room-to-room search of the office complex. Police said they had taken one man, described only as in his 40s, into custody.

A spokesman for Edgewater said the software consulting company had about 30-to-40 people at the Wakefield location.

The company is in the process of moving its headquarters from Fayetteville, Arkansas, to Wakefield, spokesman Kevin Carvin said.

He said company executives and a skeleton crew of workers remained at the company's Fayetteville office, which was closed due to an ice storm.

``I am totally unaware of that,'' said Carvin when asked about the shooting.

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000


This is indeed tragic for all the families involved.

But maybe they'll change the phrase to "the gunman went techie".

-- Anonymous, December 26, 2000

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