Merry Christmas! And a bit more info on the "Doing laundry in 1917" : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wanted to tell everyone how much I enjoy this forum and how much I appreciate all of you. Despite the differences of opinion, I think the atmosphere remains quite friendly considering the number of people and wide ranges of interests and personalities. I've been a Countryside reader for I think 15 years or more, and enjoy both the magazine and the forum.Regarding my earlier stories about my Grandma (Louise) and life in the sod house - I did get permission from her this week to put it in a series in Countryside, if they are interested in it, and I can find the time to do it. In talking with Grandma, she mentioned that the interior of the sod house had to be smeared with the clay mixture every year, just like the roof. Then they would hang their pictures back up. (Forgot to ask how they hung them.) She also told me that they had several 4'x4' windows, made of thick, wavy glass. This was their only light during the daytime, and they would sit in the deep window sills to do their reading and sewing.
Grandma is 100 years old, and though frail, she is in good shape (still lives alone and takes care of herself) and her mind is still very sharp. I received a note from her this afternoon - her first e-mail! She is a very special lady.
Merry CHRISTmas to you all!
-- Lenette (, December 25, 2000
WOW-I'm humbled. What a grandma ,is right! She's a national treasure,I'd say.From sod house on the plains to e-mail. What a storehouse of knowledge. I hope you do write it up. I'll look forward to it!
-- sharon wt (, December 25, 2000.
Oh yes, you really should write it up. Just think, then you'll have it down in black and white, to enjoy later, and for future generations!
-- Joy Froelich (, December 25, 2000.
Oh, Lenette, this would be great, I'd love to hear it. We videotaped my Grandma about "THE GOOD OLE DAYS" a couple of years before her death. It was just one time and the tape is now broken so I've got to take it somewhere to get it put on another tape, but it's a treasure to be sure. I'd be interested in knowing where the sod house was located and where they were originally, where she grew up as a girl. childbirth, doctoring, etc. Thanks and will look forward to it.
-- Carol in Tx (, December 26, 2000.
How wonderful! I hope you'll write those articles. What a blessign to have your grandma with at 100 years old and still have her mind. I thnk that's the best learning of all.
-- Cindy (, December 26, 2000.
I make my living as a writer (I've been an investigative newspaper reporter for nearly 22 years and I've written a lot of freelance stuff) so I want to give you a little advice about writing this up!This is so important and you really do need to record it and then share it somewhere like COUNTRYSIDE!
I know everybody is busy busy busy but if you will just set aside 15 minutes every day (or 30 min would be better!) and just sit down, even if it's just with a pen and notebook at first and later to be changed over to the computer....and begin writing! Once you begin and write a little every day you will be surprised at how much you will get done!!! And it won't take much time out of each day!
Your granny sounds wonderful and I hope that you wish her the best from all of us!!!! suzy in 'bama
-- Suzy in 'Bama (, December 26, 2000.
Yes, my grandma is a real treasure, and we are so blessed to have her! She is the sweetest lady, never has a bad word to say about anyone. She still has excellent hearing, and her eyesight is good enough that she stays busy with her tatting, etc. Up until recently she still made gorgeous hand sewn quilts. She can still recite LONG poems and sing songs that she learned as a very young child in school, and knows long Bible passages (entire Psalms) by heart. Up until a couple years ago, she was still walking (About 6-8 blocks) to church every Sunday, until the pastor insisted she take the church bus as he was afraid she would get mugged on the street. (She lives in California.) Speaking of getting mugged, about 2-3 years ago she was fixing her supper one day, and 3 teen boys tried to break into her house. She CHASED them down the street until they disappeared into a home. She went up and knocked on the door and when a parent came to the door, she informed them what the boys had done, and told them they would have to repair the damage to her door or she would have to call the police. She got her door fixed, LOL! The Lord was looking out for her that day. And probably laughing the whole time. : )
-- Lenette (, December 26, 2000.
Lenette:I agree with Suzy. Try to get as much down on tape ASAP. You might consider spending time to interview her starting with her earliest memories and then working year-by-year from there forward. After this has been digested, go back and fill in questions or blank spots. The answer to one question may well lead to others.
Also try to get as much genealogy information from her as possible - parents, grand-parents, great-grandparents, where from, etc. I'm currently having to pay some pretty good bucks for professional genealogists to do this on my father's side, when a discussion/interview with an aunt 25 years ago might have provided most of it.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, December 26, 2000.
I want to read if my vote counts, Countryside magazine office folks, then here it is!!!! It sounds fascinating...what the living history folks call primary source documentation. I'll bet there are some history teachers that sould love to have her talk to their classroom, too!!!!!
-- Leann Banta (, December 26, 2000.
Wonderful..look forward to seeing it in print. Good Luck.
-- Lynn (, December 26, 2000.
Definately get your grandma to sit down with you and write down her history. How exciting.......she has seen all of the 20th century. I am a farm educator (teach agricultural and historical programs) and boy would we love to have her at the farm. We do a one room school house program and have had the wonderful opportunity to have one of the last teachers who taught at one come and speak to the school children. She is in her late 80's. Sharp as a tack. She taught in the 30's. The kids loved listening to her. She has some memory. Drives that red station wagon of hers like a bat out of h*ll too. ;-) I would love to hear more about your grandmas life.
-- Karen (, January 01, 2001.