Wishing You and Your's a Merry Christmasgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Your Holiday Cheer is here:http://cardrecipient.msn.com/v/fhCvSgq8ft
-- hillbilly (internethillbilly@hotmail.com), December 25, 2000
Thanks Hillbilly! Merry Christmas and Love to you too! Cindy and Steve
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), December 25, 2000.
Maybe someone can help me figure out why I wasn't able to make that card a link? I messed up somewhere. Sorry.
-- hillbilly (internethillbilly@hotmail.com), December 25, 2000.
Thanks for the nice sentiment.And right back at Ya. I just copied and pasted to get there,so it was just fine.
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), December 25, 2000.
And a Merry Christmas to you, too!
-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), December 25, 2000.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!
-- Sandy(FL.) (MANDARINHILLBILLYS@prodigy.net), December 25, 2000.
Merry Christmas hillbilly, and to everyone at CS forum!!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), December 25, 2000.
May your hearts and thoughts be warm (even if the weather is COLD), and the New Year healthy and happy and filled with acknoledgement of God's blessings!!!!!
-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), December 25, 2000.
Happy HO HO everybody!
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), December 25, 2000.
-- Cher Rovang (fullcircle@nidlink.com), December 25, 2000.
Nice touch Hillbilly! happy holidays and I must say I've enjoyed your posts!!! Love Ya ....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), December 25, 2000.