Christmas Gift For Embroidery : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I noticed on various threads,people looking for ideas for inexpensive Christmas presents.I have a whole bunch of small Christmas embroidery kits,that would be good for ornaments,especially good for mailing,inexpensively, to folks that live away from home.
If you would like any of these,for planning your Christmas, future,email me and I'll send them to you.
I can fit 10 in a 6x9 mailer.If you could,a SASE would be helpful.I'll have to check postage, but it would weigh 4 oz.
Merry Christmas!
-- sharon wt (, December 24, 2000
Sharon, you bring a reminder---the U.S. Postal Service has a rate increase coming at the beginning of this coming year. Since we all need to watch our pennies, might be wise to mail everything we need to before the rate increase.I believe it was Cicero that said "Economy is the best revenue." Does that translate into "A penny saved is a penny earned"?
-- Notforprint (, December 24, 2000.