output digital file to 35mm slide filmgreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I was reading Holly Dupre's book "Polaroid Image Transfers - Tools and Techniques" and several times she mentions that you can output a digital file to 35mm slide film. Is this something I can do myself or do I need a photo/digital lab? I'm using my digital camera more and more and I would like to be able to get slides out of some of the images so I can make transfers.
-- Kimberly Battles (kbattles@pmigroup.com), December 22, 2000
I don't have experience with film recording but I am sure that you need to use a photo/digital lab. You can just search the web for "film recording" or "digital services" to see what is available. I suspect that the cheapest film recording is more oriented to presentation graphics rather than photographic images.
-- Marek Uliasz (uliasz@frii.com), January 21, 2001.
See this url: http://www.polaroidwork.com/home/LLframeset.jsp?body=%2Fdigital%2Fdigi tal.jspat the Polaroid site. Note: Wait for the page to load completely. Even on a T-1 line, the header loads quickly, but the page takes 5-10 seconds to appear. Chant the 'Om' two or three times and it will be fine. Polaroid is a great company, but their web pages are complex and their server is not up to the task it appears.
-- Toba Janos (ttobbaj@hotmail.com), April 30, 2001.
I found a place that transfered my digital prints from CD to slides. I found out later they had overcharged me. On the same street I could get them done for as little as 2 dollars ith no minimum. There are also services on the web where you can upload your image and they will send you slides though I forgot the address. I had great luck with my images but make sure you remember to resize them before you put them to CD. I made the mistake of not doing that and getting a black line across my slide. The Vivitar cropped it off but my images were not cropped the way I would have liked, Good luck
-- ruby rieke (rubyscooby@hotmail.com), January 10, 2003.