Making VCD's with the Dazzle 10min into the movie it starts messing up..... : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have the Dazzle Mpeg Movie device. I have burnt my VCD's and they play good for about 10min into the session then gets all messed up. I even split the MPEG's up into several tracks. Each track plays great at the beginning but then messes up. I have burnt VCD's from the Internet (Movies and stuff) and they play great in my DVD player. Any ideas? The only difference that I really saw between the Inet VCD's and mine were as follows:

Jitter Mine 7 Inet's 1 Avg Sync Offset Mine -10 Inet's 0 Std Dev Sync Offset Mine 10 Inet's 2

Not sure if those are the main cause of this. Any help would Greatly be appreciated. My Avg Frame rate is 29.80 @ 1150000 Bit Caputre.


-- Karl (, December 21, 2000


Same problem ! I had to set everything to the max setting, split the mpegs into individual files each no longer than 6 minutes (which is o.k as it was a music video). Then burnt the vcd using NTI ! I have heard that it is caused by overheating but I'm dubious. cheers Stuart

-- stuart (, March 26, 2001.

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