Feeling very Blessed Todaygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just got done making a big pot of Potato soup and homemade bisquits,and as I looked outside the kitchen window I saw 12 Dear running acrossed my field. i cant wait for summer to get here so we can start on the garden. I like the snow that were having, BUT...... i would like it even better it winter only lasted about a month.BLESSINGS kelly
-- kelly (milkgoats@aol.com), December 21, 2000
Hey Kel! God IS good, ain't He? He will give us the desires of our heart-if we live for Him! Our place is really beautiful today-snow blowing and drifting makes it so lovely outside. Believe I'll just stay inside for a spell tho. I'm thinkin about makin chicken and noodles fer supper. Lil Dumplin will come in tired and hungry--so-- I'll cook for'r. Haven't seen our pet deer lately. Neighbors may have slaughtered'm coupole weeks ago in deer season. Everybody take it easy and enjoy the fablous weather we're havin. Matt. 24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), December 21, 2000.
God is good. The sppeaker at our church's Christmas banquet last weekend brought his family's "blessing box." It is just a box (could be as plain as a shoe box, or something prettier) that you place blessings that God has given you and you have written on a piece of paper. Place them in the box...and read them on Thanksgiving day. It'll make you think! I got given a little resin box in a game, just a few minutes later (looks like an old fashioned suitcase, with two teddies on it, with a tiny lock and key). I figured God was trying to tell me something; I've been trying to develop an "attitude of gratitude"!
-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), December 21, 2000.
I hope all of you forum folk realize what you have in the person of our dear friend Hoot - a national treasure. I won't go into specifics, but due to my recent misfortunes, Hoot was moved to pass some of his blessings on to my and my family, with such generosity that it takes my breath away. I know y'all appreciate his stories and such, but I just want you to know that we've been hosting an angel, unawares. Thanks again, Hoot, for all that you've done.
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), December 21, 2000.
I have only been aquainted with Hoot for about 2months since Ive been on this forum, but I enjoy him very much. I think he is a very special person, someone who I would like to be more like. We are lucky to have him on our forum. Roxanne
-- Roxanne (hmstdlady@webtv.net), December 21, 2000.
Soni-you echo my heart exactly. I had just finished looking up Hoots Matt.24 reference and got such a blessing from it that I wanted to tell him how much he's meant to me in the short time I've been here. You did a fine job for both of us. thank you and Bless you Hoot.In Messiah's name.Q.
-- queen (queenbuffness@hotmail.com), December 22, 2000.