Welcome to Russia!greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Friends, invite you on my new site http://www.unity.vyatka.ru/unity/photolife/index.htm More than 300 photos - nude, portrait, landscape, ancient Russia, pilgrimage etc. Most B/W.Please tell me what you think about my photography. Any comments would be appriciated.
Thank in advance, Sergey Sklyarov
-- Sergey Sklyarov (sergey.sklyarov@usa.net), December 19, 2000
I really enjoyed your site. I found the photography riviting. PLease continue...
-- C. Cole (ruwebsafe@hotmail.com), February 01, 2001.
Very provocative. Composition is excellent.
-- Long Nguyen (email@longnguyen.com), February 07, 2001.