Spinning and Knitting Advice/Help Heregreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Folks,I will be glad to field any questions for spinning,knitting, crocheting or weaving, but I am at work right now. E-mail me at home, thompsonfarm@greatpoint.net, or snail mail to Sandie Thompson 7 Tucker St. #37 Pepperell, MA 01463-1549
( NO SASE NECESSARY, I will enjoy the correspondence...)
P.S. Stan I still owe you cotton instructions, haven't forgotten. Just have to write them up and post them.
-- Sandie (Baker) Thompson (thompsonfarm@greatpoint.net), December 19, 2000
thank you thank you thank you!!! I will be e-mailing you soon!!! Boy---have I got questions!!!
-- Suzy in 'Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), December 19, 2000.
I just got my first drop spindle in the mail yesterday, so I probably will have lots of questions too. The folks who made the spindle have been wonderful at answering questions so far, but it never hurts to have another point of view. I figure if I spread the questions around enough, I won't be considered too big of a pest!Thanks for the generous offer! Sherri in IN
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), December 19, 2000.
Thanks for the offer! What do you think about making your own drop spindle? I got instructions. Do you think it would be the same or should I just buy one? Thanks again!Denise
-- Denise (jphammock@msn.com), December 19, 2000.