Looking to record w/B.L.or a recomendation of hisgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread |
Greetings.my name is Danny Zion. my cousin Ras Idio and I are the vocalists for a Dub Roots Rock band named "ZIONIX" in Brooklyn.We sing in English and a West African Creol.Delivered inna old school stylee.ZIONIX would like to record with you and get checked for your label. If a session is not possible . InI would like to record at a recomendation of yours..One Love RAST
-- Danny Batista (DannyZion@aol.com), December 19, 2000
I think that you need to have more of a life than to be asking those satupid questions because the only ones that will answer are SHITFACED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Gabrielle Murphy (Breelax@ yahoo.com), September 06, 2001.