any lammas for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to buy a lamma or two. anyone have any for sale in the south eastIndiana or central Indiana area. Indiana Country Friend jack Bunyard
-- jack bunyard (, December 18, 2000
You dont want to buy some llama at random, or at an auction. You want to find a breeder and know what your getting. Someone who can help you after the sale with issue that may come up. Llamas must have companionship. Two llamas at a minimum, although a llama and goats, sheep will work. A llama and a horse is not the best mix.I would suggest you contact the Hoosier Llama Association President & Representative Crete Hutton 10 N. 400 W. Lebanon, IN 46052 (765) 482- 6622 or visit their web site for more info on local breeders .
-- Gary (, December 19, 2000.
Hey Gary,Just curious, but why wouldn't you want to buy a llama from someone who was not a breeder? Do they have some well-hidden disease potential? I mean, if the animal looks healthy and well-built and has the fleece, or guarding or packing ability, temperament, or other characteristic you're looking for, why not buy it, regardless of the source? Does a good llama become a risky proposition as soon as it changes hands from a breeder to a person who only owns one or two llamas? And can't ownership and registration be transferred, so that the animal would be able to produce registrable offspring, regardless of the individual from whom it was purchased? --Laura
-- Laura Jensen (, December 19, 2000.
I'm in southeastern Indiana & just bought a llama from someone this summer. He breeds different exotic animals. I'm not sure if they have anymore for sale, but if you email me, I can give you his phone # or email address. I only have the one, but she's with my goats & is perfectly happy.
-- Wendy (, December 19, 2000.
Jack: Look in the Indy Trader, under Farm Animals for Sale. The Trader is a classified paper (large) that comes out every Friday and can be found at gas stations and mini-marts. Often there are llamas for sale, along with all kinds of other livestock, etc. Your county agent may know of some breeders in your area, as some 4-H clubs now include Llama as one of the projects kids can exhibit at the fair.Good luck. Have you had the snow we have in WC Ind? Very Christmasy-looking!
-- Peggy Taylor (, December 22, 2000.
Ther is one in central Illinois that is for sale
-- Cindy (, October 08, 2001.