Speed Racer: how to confrontgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Kentlands : One Thread |
Fellow residents, We have a speed racer on our street (Hart Rd.) who lives at the far end from myself. Many of our neighbors have remarked about how fast and reckless this individual is when driving up and down our street. We have also noticed that he'll hot rod on purpose if he notices that we are on the stoop or walking on the sidewalk. Just recently I watched him do about 70 mph down Hart Rd. and fishtail to make the stop at the Market St. Pavilion, then squeal around the corner to Kentlands Blvd.Like a knucklehead, I don't think he realizes that we all have commited his tag # to memory and know where he lives. He is about 18-20 yrs. of age and as far as we can tell, lives with his parents. We have discussed numerous approaches to combat this problem including telling his parents, calling the police (which we have done at least on two occasions), or leaving him an anonymous note.
Before going any further, are there any out there that have solved this dilemma in the past? ...and what did you do about it? I would like to do it anonymously, but know that there are at least six residences that would join in any effort before a tragic accident happens. So, I would not be alone in a complaint. Thanks in advance,
-- Eric Martinis (emartinis@presidio.com), December 18, 2000
Eric,I expect you will get a good deal of advice on this one. We had a similar situation on Midtown: We were arriving home and watched a car blow through the stop sign at Thurgood and hang a left. We attempted to follow and get a plate number (it was evening), but could not keep up, as the car did not pause as it crossed Tschiffely, zoomed up Otis, squealed left on Little Quarry, and disappeared into the night. When we got home, I called the Gaithersburg police to report the incident. I was told that if I could get a plate number, the police will send a notice to the car owner that the car was observed disobeying traffic laws. Your problem might be resolved (at least for a while) if such a letter goes to the parents of your speed racer. Also, that would keep resident's names in the background.
Good Luck. Hope you nail the jerk.
-- Joel Aronson (jaronson@erols.com), December 18, 2000.
Call the police, call the police, and then call them again. This person's behavior is dangerous to all of us.
-- Robin Caldwell (rcaldwell@paint.org), December 19, 2000.
This is a reminder for all Kentlands folks to please come to a full, complete stop at all stop signs. I have watched on numerous occasions residents barely stopping at the stop sign at Hart & Golden Ash (where I live) [aka a "California Stop"]....Please remember there could be one of your children coming down the street unseen if you don't stop & look before moving...Besides, the law sez stop means stop...
-- Peter Darmody (SUPRHEATER@AOL.COM), December 19, 2000.
I've noticed the problem Pete describes at many stop signs throughout the community. We live near the Market Street Pavillion where there are 3 stop signs, two on opposite corners of Main Street and one on Midtown. Hart Rd. also comes in there. So it's a pretty busy intersection (getting busier all the time), and you'd think people would be mindful of the potential dangers. But MANY people simply slow down when they come to one of the stop signs and barely look around before proceeding, full-speed ahead. We realize that some of these drivers are the construction workers who have descended en masse into that area, but we know that some are also our fellow community members. We are at a loss as to how to remind people that a stop sign means one really should come to a complete stop.
-- Dee Aronson (deearonson@erols.com), December 23, 2000.