Analysis of Impact re: AoHell/Time : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread


-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000


Impact? My first guess is that TIME readers will soon start building up their collections of AOL 6.0 CD-ROMS/frisbees, once they start stapling them in every other issue.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

Those things make excellent teaching aids for instinctive shooting.

Stand behind the trainee, toss em' up at irregular intervals, let them take a crack at it. For incentive, install AOL on their machine, then let them try to scrub it out without formatting the C: drive.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

For incentive, install AOL on their machine, then let them try to scrub it out without formatting the C: drive.

ROFL! Maybe we should offer a prize to anyone who can achieve this!

One of the engineers who helped on the WYDE project, a good friend, left his PC here for me to remove AOL 6.0. That's precisely what I ended up doing: nuking the hard drive and re-installing Windows! :)

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

I kind of miss "100 Uses for those AOL Floppy Disks". I'm sure there are at least 100 uses for the CD-ROMs.....

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

I'm sure there are at least 100 uses for the CD-ROMs.....

Oh, indeed there are. And, in the spirit of the season (and since it's snowing outside and I've nothing else to do), here are some hints:

Nikki's 1997 AOL CD Present Collection. I toss this up once again -- but apparently, Nikki's given up on coming up with new uses. Some of the oldies are still goodies, though.

Fins for Water Rockets

101 Uses for AOL Disks. The original, but you can still adapt some of the 3 1/2" floppy disk concepts to CD-ROMs, if you think about it.

Those bloody AOL Disks is a homepage that'll, if nothing else, demonstrate that an AOL disk won't work as a replacement circular saw blade.

There's AOL CD Projects for some more ideas...

And, if you're one of the sixteen people on earth who still haven't received a few hundred of them in the mail, there's the Free CD-ROMs page where you can actually REQUEST these things.

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

(Oops. The Free CD ROM page should be at:

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

Stephen, my wife is working the RoadRunner help desk right now - Level III support. She gets angry 'I installed AOL 6.0 and now Roadrunner won't work' calls everyday.

RoadRunner absolutely, totally, utterly advises against installing ANYTHING by AOL on a machine connected to RoadRunner. Seems they somehow 'LOCK' the machine to AOL's DNS servers, and there isn't any reliable 'over the phone' method for unlocking them. Result, they get a connection, but can't browse.

So, the angry customer gets referred to AOL. Who seem to have a neat sales pitch about switching to AOL.

Lovely bunch of people over there.

Yeah, formatting seems to be the way to go.

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

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