Tired of the stuff at the end of the messagesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I know we went through a few weeks ago, explaining about the photos at the end of the post. Well I just read the post about "where to get chickens" and saw the photo...Is that guy dead? and what dose the photo have to do with the message that is with it?
-- grant (organicgrange@yahoo.com), December 15, 2000
It's very simple Grant, the use of this site is FREE. The site owner can put up any damn thing he wants at any time. If you don't like it and find it impossible to ignore, you can always choose to not visit.
-- JLS in NW AZ (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), December 16, 2000.
I dose not bother me, I over look banners and junk all of the time. The photo I was talking about looked to be of a dead man laying on the street. The strange thing is. The picture is not there now. I seldom even see the stuff at the end but this one caught my eye, but thank you for inviting me to leave the board.
-- grant (organicgrange@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.
It appears to be a drunk or homeless. remember life is not easy or pretty at times or in some places. And have seen worse than that. Some people just have no place to go. And no one is forceing you to look at the photos or read what the owner has to say. So relax and just read and look at what you wish to. And have a nice day. while the person in the photo is doing the best that they can or want to.
-- Anthony J. DiDonato (didonato@vvm.com), December 16, 2000.
I think they may be pieces from the other lusenet forum sites (theres about 25 others) to pique interest. If I don't like em , I just scroll up and when doing print outs, I just scrap the last two pages. As someone else said, this sites money free so it has commercial trailers. Kinda like network t.v. BTW try to look at them, occasionally some are interesting and a "more" click will take you to the site.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.
Grant, didn't mean to be quite as grouchy. Yours was the first thread I opened this morning right after I discovered someone had pooped in my cereal.
-- JLS in NW AZ (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), December 16, 2000.
Oh man JLS-boy that WOULD make someone really grouchy. Eeeyyeewww!So, now you piqued my curiousity-what's the rest of the story?
-- sharon wt (wildflower@ekyol.com), December 16, 2000.
It is real easy to get discouraged when we get interrupted. Now that being said I think that we all might benefit from reading the article that is attached to the photo of the man sleeping or passed out on the sidewalk. The article is about government waste, and incidentally has been moved. I found it at the end ot the "Ram Pumps" thread.It really looks like the man in the photo could benefit from one of the $50 (& up) underground houses that I keep hearing are no good... This would be impossible for this man, because the government would have to be involved, first with 31 sheets of forms to prove that he is really him and then it would take several contractors complete with $500 hammers to build his $50 house. This of course does not include overruns and other planned delays (heck maybe even a recount or two or three).
The solution would be to have the man on the sidewalk build hid own house, but then what would the many layers of government employees (who are supposed to help him but do not), do to justify thier existance?
Good article, read it before you condemn it.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.
Sharon, I can't take credit for that (poop in my cereal) as an original saying. I read it in a previous thread by one of the ladies on this site. However, that is the way I felt and decided it was a good time to plagiarize a wonderful original saying.
-- JLS in NW AZ (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), December 16, 2000.
Sorry I have to ask who or what pooped in your cereal ?
-- Patty (fodfarms@slic.com), December 16, 2000.
open your mind, look again, there is something there
-- Rose Marie Wild (wintersongfarm@yahoo.com), December 16, 2000.
Hey, Grant,do you know you can usually click onto the picture, have it enlarged and also find out what's happening with just one click? Some of these stories I find interesting..I long ago quit worring about the poop in my food, it doesn't matter anymore, cause everything I eats turns to poop.
-- hillbilly (internethillbilly@hotmail.com), December 16, 2000.
I don't even see the pictures at the bottom. Most of the time I read the thread until I get to the button that says contribute an answer and then I just push the back button and go back to the main page of the forum and look for another thread. I had forgotten they were even at the bottom of the page. Try this and you'll forget there is anything further down on the page.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), December 18, 2000.
The pic as of 12/19/00 at 4:14p.m. EST below is of some nice old cars. I didn't read the story but liked the old cars. My guess is that somebody pays a little to get those banners on here. If it pays the bills why should we bit*h?When you get poop in your cereal EAT EGGS! :o)
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), December 19, 2000.
When I get too many bloody eggs at least I can kill the rooster.
-- JLS in NW AZ (stalkingbull007@AOL.com), December 19, 2000.
Some of the pictures are quite beautiful, you can click on them and save them to your computer. I have put the one of the ocean beach on my desktop as wallpaper, very nice. Like the ole saying "when life hands you lemons, make lemonaide!"
-- Tina (clia88@newmexico.com), December 21, 2000.
This has nothing to do with the subject of this thread but, I need to say something. A week, maybe 2 weeks ago, I wrote and voiced my oppinion on the kind, helpful, people I'd met on this forum. I was sincere, meant every word of it. And for the most part, still feel that way BUT---today, within a matter of hours, I've personally felt the rude attacks of one(supposedly helpful) person, and now am reading another rude tactless attack from one whose exscuse is that someone "pooped in his cereal". Sorry. That don't cut the ice. Rude is rude, no matter what the exscuse, and it was entirely uncalled for. If you're in a bad mood then refrain from comment until your mood changes.
-- Clare Baldwin (clare_baldwin@hotmail.com), December 21, 2000.